Most dealers do not have electric hook ups in every area of their stores. It is difficult to move a spa to one area so a consumer can test it. Many times to do this you would have to put the spa for a day or two in the middle of the hallway or walkway, which for the obvious reasons is unsafe to do and it also makes your showroom look extremely unprofessional. If a dealer has electric lines throughout their store to take the electric out of one spa and put it into another it is extremely easy to do and I think most dealers can offer this service very easily. To ask a dealer to physically move a spa to test it, I think that is unreasonable.
I find it disrespectful that you think dealers that won’t fill a spa will automatically be out of business. I personally know 3 dealers that have been in business 30+ years and I can guarantee they never physically moved a spa so someone can test soak it. I believe if a company has been in business for 30 years they must have been providing exceptional service.
Thanks for your reply Chris. Dealers move spas every day and all that is needed is the drive to want to do it, one 220V line and the correct spa for the customer to try.
I'm not saying that they are guaranteed to go out of business if they choose not to, but if it came down to one dealer willing to do this and one that won't, guess who's going to get the sale the large majority of the time!
This industry is very competitive and finding ways to satisfy the customer is paramount before, during and after the sale. If one of those is missed, it can and will affect the total annual sales.
I'm not saying it's easy to do or even convenient. What I am saying is that it can and should be done. If not, expect some thank you cards in the mail from your local competitors.
