No, this is not another Jim, challenge, but last night for the first time I watched the Thermospa commercial and tried to pay attention to all the details. Of course they make sure you know you will be getting a $1000 coupon and that models start as low as $3000 and a luxurious hot water experience can be yours for only $2 day, portrayed at 8 quarters falling into crystal clear water. So I got to thinking, what does that $2 represent? Operating cost? Cost to finance? So I watched for the obligitory paragraph in small print that doesn't stay up long enough to read. So your challenge is to help me figure out what is in that paragraph. The only thing I could see was $13-$17k Not sure if that is average cost, or cost of models shown, or what you needed to spend to use the coupon. At least this wasn't the commercial with the bad actor circling joints on an xray. I hate tha tone worse.