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Author Topic: Jacuzzi J-385  (Read 13026 times)


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Jacuzzi J-385
« on: September 09, 2005, 09:54:14 pm »
We have been shopping for a hot tubs and looked at Pool City's spas and PDC's at Paradise. We even had Thermospa come to the house.  We visited the local Jacuzzi dealer on Monday and liked the J-385.  It was $1,000 more than we wanted to spend but it seemed to fit us just right so I ordered it to secure the sale price -  $8,028 with several extras included.  That seems high, but the Thermospa we liked was $14,000!

The Thermospa Quality Control guy called to talk to me about my experience with their salesman and when he learned that we bought a Jacuzzi, he referred me to this forum, supposedly to learn how much better the Thermospas are than the the other brands.  After a couple days of lurking, I have yet to see Thermosopas mentioned.

But I did learn a lot about buying a hot tub thanks to Duffman, Terminator and a few others.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us rookies. It has been a big help.

It seems the most important thing is to do a wet test to make sure the tub fits us.  I am 6'7" and 350.  My wife is 5'4" and weighs considerably less than I do - thank goodness!

When we ordered the J-385, the wet floor model had just been drained and delivered but tomorrow morning, before the store opens we will be wet testing the new J-385.  I hope Lori does a good job demonstrating it to us.

My concern is the Jacuzzi filtering and chemical system.  They tell us that all we need is a "mineral stick" in one of the 2 filters along with the ozonator and weekly PH checks.  No chlorine or bromine or anything else.  That sounds too simple after reading about the chemical problems on this forum.

Does anyone have any experience with this system?
The World Champion Pittsburgh Steelers

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Jacuzzi J-385
« on: September 09, 2005, 09:54:14 pm »


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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2005, 10:01:18 pm »
Congratulations .... :D...someone is over stating mineral and ozone to you...both will allow you to use less chemicals but you still need to use a sanitizer .....its a shame when your dealer is either uniformed or less than up front about what you will need.....but enjoy the spa if after wet testing it works for you.....


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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 10:13:41 pm »
I justed added sanitizer to my list of questions for tomorrow morning.   ;D  Thanks.
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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 10:19:28 pm »
Some manufacturers (or maybe just some dealers) do try to get you to believe that no sanitizer is needed but that's not true.

As Mendo said, the Nature 2 or Frog systems may help sanitize the tub but you do need a sanitizer.

As for Thermo, I saw one on a home improvement show many years ago and was convinced that I wanted that tub. Actually, I never even dreamed of owning a tub until I saw that show but after some research  I realized Thermo wasn't up there with others IMO - They ain't cheap and they ain't too good!

Good luck on your wet test!!


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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 10:24:06 pm »
The Jacuzzi products are good. I like my 375.  The mineral sticks are optional but I did like them when I had them in there but not really necessary.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2005, 10:39:21 am »
When I was shopping, one of my main concerns was how much work was adding the chemicals and maintaining the tub.  I wound up with the 335 thinking it would be a breeze to maintain.

The Jacuzzi dealer here did a good job of simplifying things, but I was under the impression that with the ozonator, adding a teaspoon of bromine would be all I needed to do.  After cloudy water and all the stuff that comes with learning, I found out that was wrong if I wanted a clean tub.

I have since started using the floating bromine dispenser and giving a boost when needed and find it very easy to maintain the water.


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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2005, 12:46:10 pm »
Snowbird, thank you for the complement to me in your first post, I appreciate it.  I'm happy that I was able to be of some service to you in your spa shopping experience.

You, my friend, chose WISELY by not paying $14K for the above mentioned spa.  I'm sure the sales rep was hoping you would read the latest infomercial posted in the Review section for that brand.  You are going about the process the right way.....doing the research, weeding out the baloney, and west testing to make sure it fits.  I hope you do find the spa that's perfect for you and your wife! :)

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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2005, 12:50:51 pm »
My wife and I sat in the J-385 for about an hour talking to Lori.  We liked all the seats except for the lounge.  I am much too long for it and my wife is a little too short.

We are considering the J-365 which doesn't have a lounge and is a little smaller and cheaper.  They will be setting up one of those today and we will be wet testing in Monday morning.

However, unless the 365 is a great deal better fit for us, we plan on staying with the 385 for the extra room.  Even though we probably won't use the lounge all that much, it will be there when our son and daughter-in-law or other friends visit.

We also picked up some literature on chemical care.  Lori said we only need the mineral stick with the ozonator while the other sales girl said she uses a shot of sanitizer once a week or so, or after a big swim, such as after the kids use it.  Even at that, it doesn't sound all that difficult to care for as long as the ph is monitored closely.

I am still uncomfortable with the chemical care part of it so I guess I have to read more.  Maybe it will be better once it is installed and I am actually doing it.

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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2005, 02:52:54 pm »
Once you get into your routine and figure out what you need to keep ypur spa clean, it will be easy I believe.  Personally, I went by someone who know's (cues and spas, i think)  advice and try to set aside particular days to do the routine without shocking and clarifying too close to each other to avoid offsetting effects.

I also believe some care more than others about keeping up their spas, just like keeping up their cars and homes.  For me, it's a labor of love, like tending to my landscaping, as I consider my home my castle and my investments worthy of proper care.


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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2005, 05:58:31 pm »
Thanks for that orlando.  I'd sit in a mud puddle 8) if it felt good, but the one thing I know for sure is that SWMBO will not get in a tub that isn't :P sparkling clean.  

This is a case of less is more, so I will start out using minimum chemicals and adjust as required.  Seems like it should vary for each tub depending on use and local conditions.

For instance my tub which will be on an enclosed but unheated deck with glass walls on two sides and probably used daily all year by 2 adults.  An outside deck used semi-weekly by several adults or teens and a couple pre-teens should require different handling.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2005, 06:36:44 pm by Snowbird »
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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2005, 06:37:57 pm »
We wet tested the 365 today and it is nice but that hump in the middle of the floor that houses the 4 foot jets is not for us.  We think it will be a hinderance to movement, especially for guests who would be unfamiliar with it.

And it just doesn't do all that much for a person my size.  The 385 has better foot jets for big guys.  So we are sticking with the 385.  

Hope to have all the remodeling done and the tub installed by Nov 1st.

Turkey in the tub... yahoooooo!  ;)

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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2005, 09:18:30 pm »
Congratulations!  I have to insert a disclaimer before I bestow official blessings though--he is buying from a different Lori!   ;)  Be careful Snowbird, some people around here will think I'm the one who is selling to you!!

May you always have hot, clean, bubbly water!!

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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2005, 09:35:00 am »
I am surprised the Therma spa person refered you to this forum.  What little here is mentioned of them, it's not flattering.
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Re: Jacuzzi J-385
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2005, 09:35:00 am »


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