"It's name is the $6 burger but it doesn't actuually cost that much. They call it that but sell it for much less (percieved value)."
Hmmmmmmmmm, doesn't Gulfcoast have the patent on this idea?
Funny though, the burger looks good, but I never went to get one as I figure it cost $6.. no way I"m spending that for a fast food burger........ though if it were to be server to me personally by Paris.

"I get the feeling the ad people and Carl's Jr are rubbing their hands together at the free publicity. This is exactly how they hoped it would turn out IMO."
AGREED! I'm sure the ad agency has now rasied their rates for new customers as well, being able to cite their sucess for getting free publicity.
"I watched the commercial and didn't see an issue with it. In fact, I've replayed it several times and each time it gets a thumbs up from me. "
YEAH! What's the problem with it? thumb huh? yeah right