We are ordering a Sundance Optima tub today, and we're excited. Â We're just concerned about what finish to get. Â We love the looks of the white marble look finish but are concerned with water marks & scratching issues. Â Anyone have any advice on their experience with this finish?
Make sure anyone going in removes their bracelets and watches, ask the men not to wear swimming shorts with rivets or any metal on them. I have had 2 tubs this year (long story), the first one was a smooth finish gold color and did show scratches and a water line mark the tub was beautiful to look at though. My new one is a sandstone light color pebble finish, the biggest difference for me has been safety for 2 reasons.
1. The smooth finish is slippery and my son did fall and smack his chin on the side.
2. I could never tell where the steps or bottom of the tub were, it just looked flat. It always looked 2 dimensional.
The lighting in the smooth finish was brilliant and I thought that the pebble finish wouldn't show the lights as well but we find the lights just as bright. I am sure the one you chose will be the best one for you, we would have been very happy with the first one we chose.