Personally Bosco, I think you made a wise move . 8-).. that's coming from my femine side

... I grew up with 2 sisters and no brothers.
I'm not totally into digital photography yet, I only have a 4 mega pixel point and shoot but in a previous life, years ago I was an Amature Photographer. I own a Nikon SLR and a few lenses. I am into nature photography and can't stand taking pictures of people with my SLR (I was invited to a few weddings back then and 'oh by the way bring your camera along') but have taken some nice shots IMO of nature, I have even had some of my shots enlarged for people at their request.
Anyway, whenever you talk about images it is important to get as much information to the printing medium (memory or film) to make the image as sharp as possible. A 5 mega pixel is a sharp image at 3 1/2 x 5 but a 7 megapixel will be even sharper just like ISO 100 film will be sharper than ISO 400. The only problem is if a printing device can't or doesn't handle the resolution then the maximum resolution is the output of the printing device.
Years ago in Grand Central Station in NYC, the Kodak company had a display from a 35mm slide. They blew up the slide to probably a 10 feet x 14 feet backlit display, the slide was ASA (the standard back then) 25. The display was extremely sharp because the initial photo (slide) was taken on an extremely fine grain medium. The same holds true with digital photography.
This is probably more than you wanted or needed to know but it's the my long winded way of saying you made the right choice!