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The worst part of arctic spas are the salespeople. Â Second to the salespeople is the price. Â Of course, the two are related. To justify the price consumers need to be convinced that there is a real difference in what they are buying. Use the search feature, and say 360 or more days to get lots of good debates and smackdowns on this tub.-Ed
If only I didn't have to consider the price of electric and pad........ :-/
Arctic makes a well built spa and the company is very strong behind the product.Very few Arctic owners are unhappy with their purchase and I would put them in the top 6 or 7 spa makers.The rest would be to wade through the marketing hype. Unfortunately, they have had some very poor representation on this and others forums from certain salesmen who claim superiority and in turn, made the product seem slimy. Usually, it's simple to weed these guys out and compare the product at face value.I do question their claims but insist that it is a well made product. Steve
Second to the salespeople is the price.
Electricity should be between $500-1000 on average. A pad can be done in an afternoon with road crush, sand and sidewalk blocks for under $100. You'll have some sweat equity in it but there's no need to pour a pad which is often the misconception.
Steve, i think my initial impressions of you caused a bit of conflict, but I respect you and find you to be a valuable person on this board.
Somebody needs to hide this can of worms a little better
I don't think that Brewman was taking anyone's side. Â I believe he owns a Sundance if I'm not mistaken. Â I got the impression that he was just responding to a single post submitted by ketsch that was somewhat derogatory towards HotSpring. Â Kind of a hit-and-run post that seems to pop-up from time to time. Â Brewman cut to the chase in saying that "Some people think Arctic's great, some people don't. Â Do a search and not re-hash some of this."I respect your input bosco, and I think you are a great proponent for Arctic and a valued member of this board. Â I just don't think Brewman was out of line. Â I also don't mean for this post to sound disrespectful to you in any shape, form, or fashion. Terminator
As far as the price you get what you pay for. Â An Arctic spa is a "Higher Degree of Living" Â It's very well built spa. Â It's low on the energy costs. Â Are we the most expensive "NO" are we the cheapest "NO" Â If a customer is going to compare apples to apples are prices are completive. Â Michaelwww.HeavenlyTimes.com