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Author Topic: Arctic hot tubs  (Read 21266 times)


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 01:46:03 pm »
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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 01:46:03 pm »


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 01:49:08 pm »
The worst part of arctic spas are the salespeople.  Second to the salespeople is the price.  Of course, the two are related. To justify the price consumers need to be convinced that there is a real difference in what they are buying.

Use the search feature, and say 360 or more days to get lots of good debates and smackdowns on this tub.


I'd disagree on the price.  The quotes I'm getting for their higher line models aren't out of line with Sundance, HS, Master or Marquis.  D1 has been the price leader.  It may or may not take a bit more work to arrive at that price, but the same could be said for any saleperson in a given store.

If only I didn't have to consider the price of electric and pad........ :-/


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 01:57:26 pm »
If only I didn't have to consider the price of electric and pad........ :-/

Electricity should be between $500-1000 on average. A pad can be done in an afternoon with road crush, sand and sidewalk blocks for under $100. You'll have some sweat equity in it but there's no need to pour a pad which is often the misconception.


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2005, 02:30:23 pm »
tex well put, I like you.   Steve, i think my initial impressions of you caused a bit of conflict, but I respect you and find you to be a valuable person on this board.

I cant help but anger when I see a person on his first post, comment about arctic being superior to another tub.  this is the crap that gives this company such as bad rap.

I may have read it wrong, but I just find blanket statements to be misleading.  I know this is not brewmans normal way of responding, so I just guess that I misread his comments.    

tex, I have to say, if I was your way, Im pretty sure that you would be getting my business.   your guns scare me a bit, but thats the american way.  

In canada are weapon of choice is..... believe it or not, a hockey stick.


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2005, 02:45:42 pm »
Arctic makes a well built spa and the company is very strong behind the product.

Very few Arctic owners are unhappy with their purchase and I would put them in the top 6 or 7 spa makers.

The rest would be to wade through the marketing hype. Unfortunately, they have had some very poor representation on this and others forums from certain salesmen who claim superiority and in turn, made the product seem slimy. Usually, it's simple to weed these guys out and compare the product at face value.

I do question their claims but insist that it is a well made product.



I must say I totally agree with you.... on both the quality and they way some represent or perhaps misrepresent it. In the end they build a well made spa.


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2005, 03:01:27 pm »
Second to the salespeople is the price.

Again with the price - for the record - we purchased our Arctic in part because it cost less than the other tubs we were researching.

As an Arctic owner, I come here to this forum as many other consumers do looking for neat tricks and ideas to deal with operating a spa. It is so unfortunate that any thread dealing with Arctic tubs degenerates to the point where it the entire thread is removed and placed in the Beating a Dead Horse forum.

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2005, 03:35:59 pm »

Electricity should be between $500-1000 on average. A pad can be done in an afternoon with road crush, sand and sidewalk blocks for under $100. You'll have some sweat equity in it but there's no need to pour a pad which is often the misconception.

I'm guessing a total run between 80 and 100 ft is going to be closer to $1K.  I know a pad isn't necessary, but we would be extending the current pad off the basement and it will just look nicer. We're looking at adding 12 x 10 plus a 4 x 4 with rounded corner for aesthetics.  The slope is away from the house so it will require fill to level.  Hauling gravel and concrete is not at the top of my list of things to do......  Figuring probably $1K for that also.


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2005, 04:25:43 pm »
Steve, i think my initial impressions of you caused a bit of conflict, but I respect you and find you to be a valuable person on this board.

That's funny...my initial opinion of you was that you seemed a nice guy and THEN it degraded from there! ;) Just teasing bosco! ;D

This forum allows the opinions of many and some defend their product (owning or selling) stronger than others. I do appreciate your kind words and I do try to be helpful most of the time, but for some reason, I've allowed myself to get wound over some of these posts outlining why one product is superior to any other. I've never been one to hide my feelings and I speak my mind. That's how I operate and sometimes it may turn people off. I'm sorry if I previously offeneded you but when I feel strongly about something, I stand by it.

You are a great advocate for Arctic and this forum has needed someone like you for a long time. Others have contributed well but sparatically and I'm glad to see you hang around and voice your intelectual responses with class.

I can only hope that current Arctic salespeople understand this and reconsider their approach.

Good thread guys!



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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2005, 05:59:22 pm »
Somebody needs to hide this can of worms a little better ???


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2005, 06:02:40 pm »
Somebody needs to hide this can of worms a little better ???

I'm sorry, I thought the dead horse section was hidden enough  8)
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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2005, 06:48:11 pm »
I don't think that Brewman was taking anyone's side.  I believe he owns a Sundance if I'm not mistaken.  I got the impression that he was just responding to a single post submitted by ketsch that was somewhat derogatory towards HotSpring.  Kind of a hit-and-run post that seems to pop-up from time to time.  Brewman cut to the chase in saying that "Some people think Arctic's great, some people don't.  Do a search and not re-hash some of this."

I respect your input bosco, and I think you are a great proponent for Arctic and a valued member of this board.  I just don't think Brewman was out of line.  I also don't mean for this post to sound disrespectful to you in any shape, form, or fashion. :)


Thanks, East Tex.

It's been a busy day, and I didn't get as much time as usual to loiter or I'd have chimed in earlier.  You got it.
I personally have NOTHING against Arctic spas.  In fact, I get my chemicals at the local Arctic dealer- they're very nice and customer service oriented.  They even clean my filters free, and I don't even own their spa brand.
My response was meant to be more tounge in cheek than anything, and I probably should have put a winky or some other emoticon on my post.  


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2005, 06:57:50 pm »

When I quoted your reply earlier with more specific search direction, I totally misread your post.  I thought it was the guy who started the thread and that he really couldn't find any of the Arctic posts..!!  ::)

Sorry about that!  I re-read things and realized that your post was from you and just a tongue in cheek comment...  Oh well.. guess I was still asleep!!


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2005, 07:11:16 pm »
Not to worry.  No harm, no foul. ;D


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2005, 10:40:40 pm »
 ::) 8) geesh, didn't know that such emotions would be stirred up. we compared the coyote line (C-50) with the Bengal from Hot Springs (comperable tub). we bought a tub that was a demo at the local fair, so got about $1K off of it. I am happy with it so far. I am sure Hot Springs, Marquis, or others are good products also, just felt that we got a better deal from Arctic.


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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2005, 05:53:01 am »
As far as the price you get what you pay for.  An Arctic spa is a "Higher Degree of Living"  It's very well built spa.  It's low on the energy costs.  Are we the most expensive "NO" are we the cheapest "NO"  If a customer is going to compare apples to apples are prices are completive.  

Sorry but I did not find this to be true. I found there shell thickness to be the same as several others I looked at. I found there overall quality to be the same as several I looked at. I found there skirting material to be better than most but as good as a couple I looked at. I found there comfort to be slightly less than some. but as good as most. I found the noise level to be the highest of all I looked at. I hated there marketing method. I had to price a cover upgrade on all but 2 brands Arctic being one. And they were still more expensive than all I looked at. In my opinion as a 4 year owner of a value line tub that has looked at 20-30 different brands and been in the mechanical industry for 25 years, they are an OK tub like several others out there but not at the top of my list for value.    

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Re: Arctic hot tubs
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2005, 05:53:01 am »


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