You may remember when I first bought a Vita Joli, had it 2 weeks, then decided it was too small. My dealer gave me full credit on a swap to a 3 pump Vita Nuage, which I love.
I called him after a few weeks with the Nuage to report a couple of minor problems I had discovered. One of the air controls seemed to be stuck on full open (which is where I leave it all the time anyway) and one of the pumps seemed louder than the others.
The tech came within two days. He determined that:
-The air leak is fixable, but he will have to rip out some foam
-The third motor was not mounted in the correct position, and was vibrating on the the frame.
He spoke to the dealer, who spoke to the factory, and together they determined that was too much to be wrong with a new tub. They could fix it, but would have to rip out and replace too much for good customer satisfaction. They are replacing the tub! I didn't even have to ask!
This is how smaller companies grow, by exhibiting the service and dedication to customer satisfaction that got the major players where they are.
Remember that the next time someone says that anyone but the big 3 aren't even worth your consideration.