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Author Topic: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  (Read 10566 times)


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WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« on: August 25, 2005, 10:42:39 pm »
WELL. . . . . .

Today the family wet tested the Optima.  We had already tested the Cameo.  What a HUGE difference for us!  In the same seats the Optima blew us out of the seat.  Although the two seats that replace the lounge are ECTREMELY comfortable, the footjets do not feel nearly as good as in the Cameo.

Every salesperson we have talked to has told us that less than 10% of the people wet test.  How will the buyer  know if one has the "IT" factor over the other.  THIS is a prime example for wet testing.

We will go back and test the Tiger Caspian and the Cameo another time.

One last question:  Is the stereo worth the price in the Cameo?  Or do people bring a boombox if they want "The Eagles Greatest Hits" or any Steely Dan CD?


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WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« on: August 25, 2005, 10:42:39 pm »


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 10:55:46 pm »
On Sunday morning, before the store opens to the public, we're going to do wet-tests in the Sundance Maxxus and a few others . The saleslady says that the seats and jets in the Maxxus are identical to what are in the Optima and the Cameo. Has anyone tried the Maxxus AND the others who could give me their impression?  We're also going to test the Tiger River Caspian, the Hot Springs Vanguard and the Hot Springs Envoy.   I sat in the (dry) Cameo, and that lounge was really comfortable, as was one of the corner seats.
We're just now beginning the actual testing.  We've been reading online about the tubs and I've been checking folks' impressions here.  It's been really helpful. We're gonna check out a Dimension 1 Californian tomorrow, and a Caldera Tahitian, which the salesman told my hubby was very similar in feel to the Geneva, which he has, but not filled with water.


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2005, 11:34:35 pm »
On Sunday morning, before the store opens to the public, we're going to do wet-tests in the Sundance Maxxus and a few others . The saleslady says that the seats and jets in the Maxxus are identical to what are in the Optima and the Cameo. Has anyone tried the Maxxus AND the others who could give me their impression?  We're also going to test the Tiger River Caspian, the Hot Springs Vanguard and the Hot Springs Envoy.   I sat in the (dry) Cameo, and that lounge was really comfortable, as was one of the corner seats.
We're just now beginning the actual testing.  We've been reading online about the tubs and I've been checking folks' impressions here.  It's been really helpful. We're gonna check out a Dimension 1 Californian tomorrow, and a Caldera Tahitian, which the salesman told my hubby was very similar in feel to the Geneva, which he has, but not filled with water.

We test the Optima tomorrow.  Tested the Maxxus last week.  Beautiful tub, but not for us.  We both struggled with the lounge and she floater out of accusage seat.  If you are under 5'10" you may struggle with the lounge and under 5'5", you may struggle with the deeper seats.  Because the tub is big, the center foot jet island is not easily reached to get leverage.  That's why we're testing the Optima because that island provides leverage to combat float.  We also soaked the Bahia, but didn't care for it.  It' just not as much tub as the 800 series tubs.  Californian lounge is definitely for a taller person, but if you fit, it's a nice tub.  Caldera lounge foot jets are very nice.   Have fun testing.


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2005, 02:10:02 pm »
Sounds like the Cameo is for you so far! :-) I PERSONALLY do not think the radio is worth the extra $900 we charge for it...that being said we sell alot of them! :-)  Remember to try to Envoy or Grandee before buying.  The more you wet test the more secure you will feel about your purchase!  Good luck!


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2005, 05:37:15 pm »
Keep wet testing until you find YOUR spa!  I just bring out my boombox...but I have had my spa since before stereos were an option.


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2005, 09:39:49 pm »

Wet Tested the Vista.  On the second go-around we liked it better than the Tiger Springs Caspian.  The ones you suggested do not have water in them.  We like the Vista this time.

Tomorrow back to the Sundance Cameo as the Optima is NOT for us.  What we discovered is that the totally open seating is not for us.  Now we need to find the molded seats that fit our necks, backs, and have GREAT jets.

More tomorrow. . . . . .


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2005, 12:43:43 am »
Wet testing is a pehenomena created by HotSprig. They have their dealers waste an inordinant ammount of show room square footage to a "mood room" effectivly reducing the ammount of product they can display and increasing the cost of show room operations. Just one in the many factors that make HS spas WAY over priced. Less than 5% of my customers ever wet test, and I'd bet money it's more like 1.5% that do, even though I make the offer, and it hasn't adversly affected my sales, nor has ANY customer EVER come back and said they were sorry they didn't wet test, cuz this spa just sucks. Wet testing IMHO is just a way for customers to get a free soak before buying. If you are a floater, you are going to float in any lounge seat in any spa. And you'll float in the other seats too. Unless it's Caldera, that is, and there is a reason for that. Yeah, yeah, I know, I sell Caldera, but you have to admit, the 2 ir three tired foot ridges in the lounges is a good idea and the foot ridges in the bottoms of the spas too. No matter where you sit, there's a place to anchor yourself into the seat. This isn't so much an unabased plug for Caldera, as it is a comentary about wet testing. Also, I've had a couple of Jack and Diet Cokes, tonight, but go ahead, bring on the flames!  

Every salesperson we have talked to has told us that less than 10% of the people wet test.  How will the buyer  know if one has the "IT" factor over the other.  THIS is a prime example for wet testing.

If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2005, 06:53:07 am »
I've got a Sundance Cameo with the stereo.  The stereo wasn't really something that I was interested in but my boyfriend wanted it and said if I bought the spa, he would pay for the stereo.

I've actually been surprised how much we do use it.  It sounds great.  We also purchased the remote that will control the stereo and the jets and we really enjoy that.

Good luck in your search!


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2005, 10:11:28 am »
I must disagree.  The only real way to test is to wet test.  You simply can't compare spa seating and jets without getting wet.  For those that buy without doing that, it probably still feels OK and they're happy.  Warm bubbly water pretty much feels good no matter who is making the tub.  But they didn't necessarily get what feels or works best for them, especially if they truly want to test how effective the jets really are.  I know, I've witnessed it first hand in my recent search for a spa.  Buying dry usually means you bought a sales pitch.


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2005, 10:45:52 am »
As a consumer and not a dealer, wet testing helped me pick my spa.  I had it narrowed down to a Hot Springs Vanguard, Coleman 471 and a Beachcomber 750. After wet testing the Hot Spring, my family of 5 did not like all the jets not being on.  The Coleman 471 was not deep enough for me.  The Beachcomber 750 lounger seat was uncomfortable when sitting in it regular.  In the end we purchased a Beachcomber 580.  All the spas we had it narrowed down to are great products, but we would not have found the one for us unless we wet tested.


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2005, 11:02:26 am »
Wisoki, maybe I tend to over shop and research, but being a school teacher my $$ is hard to come by.  That being said, I would never buy a car before a test drive to be sure that it handled the way I expected, so why in the world would I spend $8000 + on anything without trying it out first??  I guess there are people out there with money trees!!  Must be nice!! ;)


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 11:23:19 am »
It is nice, I just lie back in my hammock tied between my two money trees, and each time the wind blows I have to gut up and rake up all those bills that come gently wafting down to the ground. It's good that I thought to plant the Benjamin and Grant trees, the Washington and Lincolns were much cheaper, but...  ;)

Wisoki, maybe I tend to over shop and research, but being a school teacher my $$ is hard to come by.  That being said, I would never buy a car before a test drive to be sure that it handled the way I expected, so why in the world would I spend $8000 + on anything without trying it out first??  I guess there are people out there with money trees!!  Must be nice!! ;)

If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2005, 11:24:01 am »
Wet testing is a pehenomena created by HotSprig. They have their dealers waste an inordinant ammount of show room square footage to a "mood room" effectivly reducing the ammount of product they can display and increasing the cost of show room operations.   

Man, if it were up to me, the whole store would be one giant mood room!  I'd have every model wet and every model dry, but that would not be feasible, so we try to get a good mix.

The purpose of the mood room is to help the customer visualize what the spa would look like at night in their own backyard.  It offers the double advantage of providing the shopper with the opportunity to actually try the spa and judge it for themselves.

I could act like a used car salesman and fast talk them into thinking that this Model X is the perfect spa for them, or I can let them decide that for themselves.  I choose to let them decide.

Any spa dealership that doesn't offer the customer this wonderful opportunity and experience is cheating the customer, to a great extent.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2005, 01:16:50 pm »
Very interesting Wisoki,

I guess as a dealer it would be much easier to make a sale without the wet test process. Pehaps most of us on this site tend to go over board with our research compared to the average buyer.  

Any other dealers believe that wet testing is over rated?  

Wet testing is a pehenomena created by HotSprig. They have their dealers waste an inordinant ammount of show room square footage to a "mood room" effectivly reducing the ammount of product they can display and increasing the cost of show room operations. Just one in the many factors that make HS spas WAY over priced. Less than 5% of my customers ever wet test, and I'd bet money it's more like 1.5% that do, even though I make the offer, and it hasn't adversly affected my sales, nor has ANY customer EVER come back and said they were sorry they didn't wet test, cuz this spa just sucks. Wet testing IMHO is just a way for customers to get a free soak before buying. If you are a floater, you are going to float in any lounge seat in any spa. And you'll float in the other seats too. Unless it's Caldera, that is, and there is a reason for that. Yeah, yeah, I know, I sell Caldera, but you have to admit, the 2 ir three tired foot ridges in the lounges is a good idea and the foot ridges in the bottoms of the spas too. No matter where you sit, there's a place to anchor yourself into the seat. This isn't so much an unabased plug for Caldera, as it is a comentary about wet testing. Also, I've had a couple of Jack and Diet Cokes, tonight, but go ahead, bring on the flames!  

2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.

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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2005, 02:58:48 pm »
I ask each and every customer to sit in the spa both wet and dry.  I love it when a customers wet test a spa!


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Re: WET TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2005, 02:58:48 pm »


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