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Author Topic: Down to two choices  (Read 2605 times)


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Down to two choices
« on: August 28, 2005, 05:35:13 pm »
We have narrowed our choice down to two tubs.

1) Down East Exeter SE - After wet testing we both liked this tub.  My wife liked the foot jets slightly more than the Antigua but she said either tub would work for her.

2) Artesian Island Atigua with the most jets and 24 hr circ pump.  We both also really liked this tub.  I especially liked one of the seats and the lounger.

We're now trying to decide which one to get.  Both were right around $6,000 for pretty much the same package.  We liked both dealers real well.  Does anyone have any opinions to help sway us one way or the other?


Hot Tub Forum

Down to two choices
« on: August 28, 2005, 05:35:13 pm »


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Re: Down to two choices
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 06:27:14 pm »
That Down East Exeter is a great performer however that company has been questioned more than one over their ethics and customer service.

The Artesian would not be my first choice either but I would certainly take it over the Down East....


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Re: Down to two choices
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 06:33:39 pm »
I not at all familiar with the Down East, and even though I have a Artesian Piper Glen on order I'm not very familiar with the Antigua either. So while I can't make a recommendation either way I do have a few things for you to think about given your post. You said that you both like the Down East after the wet test, I'd say thats a point for the DE. On the Artesian you mention, more jets, and a 24 hrs circulation pump. No points for either of those. You both like it, point earned there, and you especially like one of the seats and the lounger, another point there. The reason I'm not giving any point for the number of jets, is that this is definitely not some thing you should base your choice on. It has nothing to do with the quality of the message. A tub with fewer jets could actually give a better feeling message. You may see allot of debate on the 24 hr cic pump vs filtering with a more powerfull shorter running pump. In my opinion neither is a clear choice. The difference between a 24 hr pump and using one of the jet pumps, as long as both systems are well designed, is probably negligible. Both can be done well, both can be done poorly. One of the possible down sides to a lounger is that some people tend to float out of them. This is highly dependent on the person involved and on the tub itself. You may float in one tub and not another. Sounds like you have a pretty close race on your hands.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Down to two choices
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 06:33:39 pm »


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