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Author Topic: Anyone know about US-Spas?  (Read 9796 times)


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Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2005, 12:20:54 pm »


Glad I checked here before making a move.  

What are the other Spa website's to check as I continue to research.

WE are forbidden to mention one website you should not go to, but check out the "Beating the dead horse section"
for a dealer that should NOT be on your list.

overall, many of the dealers here, seem to be pretty balanced, well versed and very willing to help.  As a consumer I enjoy their posts. I am sure they will be more than happy to tell why you should consider thier spas in your deicions and what to look for and avoid.

07 Caldera Geneva

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2005, 12:20:54 pm »


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Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2005, 03:25:07 pm »
I may be off base here as I'm new to all this and my hot tub is still about a month away, so I can't say as I have any actual experience, just some bits and pieces of knowledge that I've picked up on from reading these forums. From looking at the picture of the tub does any one else feel that a disproportionate amount of the jets are small jets. Looking at one of there other  tubs on the web page (101 jets) the ratio is even more out of whack. My impression from what I've read is that the larger jets tend to provide a better message, while the smaller ones may tend to sting a bit. I know that all manufacturers use different combinations of large and small jets, but all the other tubs I've looked at seem more balanced. By using smaller jets can they get away with using smaller/less pumps? I may be way off on my line of thought here, and if I am please let me know,  but it just doesn't look right to me.

As a new buyer without a hot tub yet, it didn't occur to me that the jet arrangement may be off.  But, maybe one of the dealers on the site can answer this.  


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Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2005, 03:50:23 pm »
# of jets is a poor metric of a hot tub's quality and ability to give you therapy/relaxation/enjoyment/whatever.  Many people say that small "pinpoint" jets hurt or irritate and are used to artifically inflate "jet count" for people looking for such a number.

Wet testing is the key here, as even reputable dealers and manufacturers will make tubs that just do not hit you right.

A few things to be careful about when first starting to look:

1. Don't buy off a whim.

2. Wet test any tub before you buy it (and do so more than once!) Bring a friend or two to see if adjacent seating is crowded. Bring a notepad. Stay in for at least 15 minutes to get a real feel for all jets. Don't be afraid to move around in a seat to try and find it's sweet spot.

3. If you get overwhelmed, buy from a reputable manufacturer. In my area, that is solidly sundance and hot springs.  Caldera, Marquis, Coleman are others that get high marks here. I'm sure others can toss up their favorites.

4. Read the warranty! See what is and is not included. Make sure the company has a reputation of honoring the warranty. For example, the Marquis warranty is transferrable if you sell a tub. Watkins (makers of Hot Springs) has done some pretty big customer-service for people out of warranty. Cal Spas has a reputation of poor warranty servicing (though the Cal Spa dealer on here swears it is a dealer-to-dealer issue).

Know that "lifetime" (as a legal term in warranties) usually means between 5-7 years, depending on the state.

5. Ask about prices. $10k for a HS grandee sounds a little high. See if there is any wiggle room once the dealer knows you are both a serious and a comparison-shopping customer.  I love my grandee, it's a quality tub that won't given you much headache from a reputable company.

6. Don't be fooled by # jets or by pump horse power. A powerful pump attached to too many jets can be just as bad as an underpowered pump (and more expensive to run).

Some good debates to search for on here (with my 2 cents added, of course):

1. Do you get a full-foamed hot tub or a thermal-pane hot tub. Short answer? Both can do OK, Both can be done poorly. It's probably harder to do TP "correctly".

2. Circulation pump or jet pump for filtration.  Circ pumps inject ozone 24/7. Jet pumps move more water (but only when running a filter cycle).

3. Ozonator or not? Ozone may reduce the amount of chemicals you need and ease maintenance of the tub. Get a CD not a UV, and make sure the CD doesn't need a charge after 9000 hours. Make sure the tub has a sufficiently sized ozone mixing chamber.


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Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2005, 04:32:21 pm »
 Excellent Ebiranne!

Course you need to say "wet test" 3 times to sound like a pro (kinda like the realaltors Location! location! location!)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2005, 10:24:21 am »

When we wet tested we went back to the HS dealer at least 3 times.  The poor guy was probably wondering if we wanted to buy a tub or keep using his!  But he was always accomodating and always fresh and that helped us gain confidence in our dealer. His attitude was "take your time, it's a big purchase".

That is opposed to our local Sundance dealer who, after the 2nd wet test was clearly annoyed and only half-jokingly mentioned charging us for chemicals.  His attitude was "if you  are too dumb to buy the tub after the first wet test, I can't help you".

In addition to wet testing alot and with a few other people, you learn a little bit about your dealer!


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Anyone know about US-Spas?
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2005, 10:24:21 am »


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