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Author Topic: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please  (Read 6555 times)


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Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« on: August 21, 2005, 07:02:08 pm »
I wet tested 3 lines Marquis Hot Springs and Sundance.  We settled on the Caspian as our favorite at the HS dealer.  Then we went to the marquis dealer to test and found a toss-up between the Destiny and the SA Reward.  Then we went to the Sundance and soaked in the Cameo WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW

That is the only lounger that feels comfortable to my family.  The foot jets are out-of-this-world! ! ! !  So here is my question. . . . . . .  I would like to wet test the Optiima to see if the more open seating is preferable.  Have you Cameo owners wet tested the Optima?  Are the footjets as good as the cameo?

We were astounded at the "feel" of the Cameo.  We soaked in it for over an hour and a half while the salesman talked to other customers.  What would be a "fair" price with steps cover lifter ozone?

We are excited about this purchase but want to guard against buyer's remorse.  

And YES we will go back and test the Caspian again.

Thanks in advance for the feedback.

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Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« on: August 21, 2005, 07:02:08 pm »


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 08:58:14 pm »
did you try the artesian dove canyon.  i liked it a lot better then the cameo.  also like the piper glenn better then the optima.  try the artesian emerald, almost identical as the optima but $1,500 cheaper, with direct flow at every seat and fabulous warranty.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 06:48:17 am »
I looked at the same tubs that you have mentioned.  Also looked at Artesian but the dealer didn't have a Dove Canyon in stock so I couldn't even see that one.

I finally had it narrowed down to Marquis and Sundance and I liked both dealers.  Our final decision was made by which lounger fit since that was a requirement for us.  

We got the 2005 Cameo and love it.  We got the stereo with remote for the pumps, CD ozone, cover, Superlift 2 cover lift, 4' steps, start up chemicals and delivery for 10K.

Absolutely no buyer's remorse here!


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2005, 07:54:13 am »
We chose the Optima over the Cameo.  Both were fine, but we chose the extra seating vs the lounger.  
The Optima has met our expectations, and in our 3rd year of ownership, have had no service calls.
You're doing the right thing in testing several different models- that way you'll get the spa that's right for you and your family.  
Happy Hunting


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2005, 08:44:50 am »
I didn't test the Optima ( I wanted the lounger), but I did try the Altimar; it was just too small.  My only problem with the Cameo is that my wife prefers the seat opposite the lounger and it shares the diverter valve.  If I send everything to the lounger, she gets bupkis.  Other than that, I love the tub.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2005, 09:02:54 am »
  Now this just goes to show that everybody's different. We didn't want a lounger and we tested the Optima but my wife said it was too big. We tested the Majesta which is the non-longer version of the Altamar, and it was a  perfect fit for us. Fits well in it's new home too.  paul
Owner, Sundance Majesta , July '05, Ontario Canada


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2005, 02:21:10 pm »
i did like the size of the optima but felt it had too many un jetted seats for the price and the divertor valve doesnt allow full power on all seats...

the cameo is sweet as is the altamar which has i believe a smaller lounger seat then the cameo..i didnt rey the new cameo or altamar so maybe the 05 cameos have a different sized lounger?

is there a bed that has the ability to get flow to the foot jets and all seats at THE SAME TIME? just wondering...are artesian spas pretty good? the bearingless jets in the sundance spas seem a good selling point...


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2005, 02:40:14 pm »
We chose the Optima over the Cameo.  Both were fine, but we chose the extra seating vs the lounger.  

I feel the same as Brew.....We got the Optima over the Cameo for the same reason. I've had mine almost a week now and love it. Plenty of power and room. IMO I think the fit and finish of the Sundance is superior. I looked at Marquis, HS, Artesian and Coleman all of wich were nice tubs I just preferred the SD. The foot jets are great. I'm 6'1" and my wife 5'3" and we both fit great in every seat although my wife needs to brace herself against the foot jet mound when she is in the deep therapy seat but it doesn't seem to bother her at all.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2005, 02:47:15 pm »
i did like the size of the optima but felt it had too many un jetted seats for the price and the divertor valve doesnt allow full power on all seats...

the cameo is sweet as is the altamar which has i believe a smaller lounger seat then the cameo..i didnt rey the new cameo or altamar so maybe the 05 cameos have a different sized lounger?

is there a bed that has the ability to get flow to the foot jets and all seats at THE SAME TIME? just wondering...are artesian spas pretty good? the bearingless jets in the sundance spas seem a good selling point...

There may be, but new shoppers tend to put too much stock into needing this.  The diverter valve, not full power at all seats, some seats without jets issued crossed my mind when I shopped as well, but after 2+ years with the spa I can tell you that in my families experience, we've really never wanted full power to all seats at once.  When we have a full tub, it's usually a social occasion, and we're just quietly soaking with minimal or no jets.  When I want a good jet blasting, it's usually just a few of us in at once, and we just adjust the jets to suit.  Really not as big a deal as I thought back then.  Of course, your use may be different.  
Also, having a few non jetted seats isn't that bad either- someties you just want to sit.  
I'm sure there are spas out there that do what you want, so keep looking and keep testing.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2005, 04:43:55 pm »

My son and daughter want to go back and wet test the Tiger Springs Caspian for comparison.  I want to wet test the Optima before buying the Cameo.  As I said before it is the ONLY llounger that fits me PERFECTLY.  And my son and daughter LOVED the footjets! ! ! ! !

Brew. . . .   thanks for the heads up on the full power issue.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2005, 05:30:43 pm »
There may be, but new shoppers tend to put too much stock into needing this.  The diverter valve, not full power at all seats, some seats without jets issued crossed my mind when I shopped as well, but after 2+ years with the spa I can tell you that in my families experience, we've really never wanted full power to all seats at once.  When we have a full tub, it's usually a social occasion, and we're just quietly soaking with minimal or no jets.  When I want a good jet blasting, it's usually just a few of us in at once, and we just adjust the jets to suit.  Really not as big a deal as I thought back then.  Of course, your use may be different.  
 Also, having a few non jetted seats isn't that bad either- someties you just want to sit.  
I'm sure there are spas out there that do what you want, so keep looking and keep testing.

I completely agree.  I have also found that if I have the jets at full blast, they can blow me totally out of the seat.  

Even if you are in an non-jetted seat, you still have the foot jets.

Good luck in your search!


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2005, 08:24:39 am »
I love the foot massage in the Cameo.  Not sure about the Optima.  I don't think they rotate in the Optima.  I just wish it would do the whole foot at once.  I have a friend that has a vibrating foot pad that does your whole foot at once.  That is what started my search for a spa in the first place.  


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2005, 08:58:05 am »
check out the sundance maxxus as well. we wet tested the cameo and found the foot jets were a little awkward to get to. the maxxus will give you the same type of seats and lounger as in cameo with the foot dome of the optima but additional room to stretch out. the stereo is a nice add on as well; it sounds great.


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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2005, 10:24:19 am »
A friend of mine owns a cameo (almost 3 years now) and loves it.  The jets are almost too powerful (actually my only real critique of sundance) and you will find you either run them at less than full power or you'll have a numb back. 8)

If you get the cameo, make sure to go with the 60amp installation allowing you to run the jets AND the heater at the same time.  The cameo comes standard with 50amp service and that isn't enough juice to run everything at once, but it is just a jumper setting to switch from 50 to 60 amps, the electrical might cost a little more though (depends on electrician!)



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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2005, 05:59:00 pm »
I sell both HS and Sundance and you cant go wrong wither way!  I would love to see you wet test a Vanguard or Grandee and compare that to the Optima (My favorite Sundance), I think that is a more apple to apple comparison than the Tiger River Caspian.  Good luck!

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Re: Cameo/Optima lovers respond...please
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2005, 05:59:00 pm »


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