I purchased a Tiger River Caspain 2 months ago and am very pleased with it.
It's a high quality tub at a relatively affordable price. It's not for everyone, as some folks don't care for the footpod, other, taller folks may find it a bit small when compared to some of the larger tubs. If you liked it in the wet test, then go for it. It's a great tub from a great company and has features not found on similliar priced tubs.
I like the 2 cool off seats, I like how there are 2 bucket seats, yet it also has open seating. The pumps are strong and offer a decent variety of massages.
My wife loves the footpod.
It's listed as a 6 person tub, but like many other tubs, 6 seats really doens't equate to 6 adults. It seats 4 adults comfortabley, but 6 would be a bit tight.