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Author Topic: The WAIT  (Read 3352 times)


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« on: August 19, 2005, 09:31:05 pm »
This should be interesting. I'll either find I'm just like you, or I'll be left with that feeling, "Am I the only one that hears these voices". A little over a week ago I went ahead and purchased a Artesian Piper Glen. So now I've got another 30 days or so until it shows up. The wait in and of itself is not such a bad thing. I still need to get my deck finished, and getting into the tub by late Sept early Oct sounds pretty good. I'm not even really all that impatient to have it now. Whats starting to trouble me is the feeling 'Did I pick the right tub'. Now I should explain something about myself, I'm not much of a shopper. Actually I hate shopping. I love buying new toys, but I want it quick and dirty. Buying fun, shopping bad. In the 'jet pressure for guests' thread Vinny talks of a friend who just walked in, wet tested, asked the price and bought. Thats pretty much where I came from. Actually I went to the HS/Caldera dealer first, thought the Tahitian was basically what I wanted, and started planning the new deck. I started reading up a little on Caldera's site and some of the other forums (hadn't found this one yet) and quickly decided to step up from the Tahitian, to a Hawaiian, to a Niagara. All without any wet testing. After reading these other forums I got the impression I really should go in and wet test, I also ran across some threads about the Piper Glen. After a visit to Artesian site I found that the dealer was only about 15 miles away, so I went and checked it out. A week latter I wet tested it. I had an appointment of sorts to wet test the Caldera the next day but never did. A week or so latter, after I had finalized the plans on my deck, I went in and bought the Piper Glen. End of story. Then I found this forum. Before I bought the tub any mention I saw of the Piper Glen was pretty positive, but now that the deal is done, and I'm digging back in the archives, I'm finding some things that have me second guessing myself. Nothing major, just minor little nit picks, like the power of the foot jets, not really being all that great.  And it's certainly not a feeling like I bought something I'm going to regret, just a little unease, which I'm sure will disappear as soon as I actually have the tub. I'm kind of amazed at the threads that have been posted by duffman and others. Talk of spending months on the decision and wet testing 5 or 6 tubs, some of them more then once. Obviously folks who can handle shopping much better then I. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking doing it this way. Makes a lot of sense, but I guess I'm just not wired that way, although I have enjoyed reading of others continuing saga. Now here's the question, how many of you have had doubts like these during the WAIT. I'm not talking buyers remorse, because I'm certainly not feeling that. Just more of a maybe I should have looked around some more feeling. Then again I've never done that before, not with cars not with big screen TV's , not with homes, not even with girl friends. Always kinda saw what I wanted and went for it without much consideration of the options. It's lead to some let downs, particularly with gf's,but for the most part I'm perfectly happy in the end. I'm interested to hear if others, particularly  those who had a long and winding road to the perfect tub go through this doubt during the WAIT.

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« on: August 19, 2005, 09:31:05 pm »


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 09:48:00 pm »
No regrets,  but I hadn't discovered this forum.  I mainly checked my dealer and manufacturer's website 5 times a day, and stopped in and visited my tub a couple of times a week.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2005, 08:51:37 am by wmccall »
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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 10:11:15 pm »
Hi Bob,

I have really wanted to try a Piper Glen but my local dealer won't put one on the floor. This evening I was seriously tempted to increase my spa budget after wet testing a $10,500 Master Spa. If I can justify the $$$ I'll definitely drive the 1.5 hours to another Artesian dealer to try the Piper before deciding one way or another.

From what I have read about the Piper Glen and seen in the layouts, I'm quite confident you will have no significant regrets. Just enjoy all the great features that most others won't have on their tubs.

P.S. I think anyone who buys an expensive toy will find something minor to gripe about. My best friend just bought a new Subaru Outback and raves about it publicly. I have to laugh though because EVERY time the two of us are on the road he complains that the moonroof switch has to be pressed twice, not once, to fully open or close it; as though it were a big deal.   ;)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 10:03:23 am by Duffman »


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2005, 09:48:05 am »
This should be interesting. I'll either find I'm just like you, or I'll be left with that feeling, "Am I the only one that hears these voices". A little over a week ago I went ahead and purchased a Artesian Piper Glen. So now I've got another 30 days or so until it shows up. The wait in and of itself is not such a bad thing. I still need to get my deck finished, and getting into the tub by late Sept early Oct sounds pretty good. I'm not even really all that impatient to have it now. Whats starting to trouble me is the feeling 'Did I pick the right tub'. Now I should explain something about myself, I'm not much of a shopper. Actually I hate shopping. I love buying new toys, but I want it quick and dirty. Buying fun, shopping bad. In the 'jet pressure for guests' thread Vinny talks of a friend who just walked in, wet tested, asked the price and bought. Thats pretty much where I came from. Actually I went to the HS/Caldera dealer first, thought the Tahitian was basically what I wanted, and started planning the new deck. I started reading up a little on Caldera's site and some of the other forums (hadn't found this one yet) and quickly decided to step up from the Tahitian, to a Hawaiian, to a Niagara. All without any wet testing. After reading these other forums I got the impression I really should go in and wet test, I also ran across some threads about the Piper Glen. After a visit to Artesian site I found that the dealer was only about 15 miles away, so I went and checked it out. A week latter I wet tested it. I had an appointment of sorts to wet test the Caldera the next day but never did. A week or so latter, after I had finalized the plans on my deck, I went in and bought the Piper Glen. End of story. Then I found this forum. Before I bought the tub any mention I saw of the Piper Glen was pretty positive, but now that the deal is done, and I'm digging back in the archives, I'm finding some things that have me second guessing myself. Nothing major, just minor little nit picks, like the power of the foot jets, not really being all that great.  And it's certainly not a feeling like I bought something I'm going to regret, just a little unease, which I'm sure will disappear as soon as I actually have the tub. I'm kind of amazed at the threads that have been posted by duffman and others. Talk of spending months on the decision and wet testing 5 or 6 tubs, some of them more then once. Obviously folks who can handle shopping much better then I. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking doing it this way. Makes a lot of sense, but I guess I'm just not wired that way, although I have enjoyed reading of others continuing saga. Now here's the question, how many of you have had doubts like these during the WAIT. I'm not talking buyers remorse, because I'm certainly not feeling that. Just more of a maybe I should have looked around some more feeling. Then again I've never done that before, not with cars not with big screen TV's , not with homes, not even with girl friends. Always kinda saw what I wanted and went for it without much consideration of the options. It's lead to some let downs, particularly with gf's,but for the most part I'm perfectly happy in the end. I'm interested to hear if others, particularly  those who had a long and winding road to the perfect tub go through this doubt during the WAIT.

Hi Bob,
Boy, some of your post hit the nail on the head for me.  After months of researching and wet testing (which my wife hated) we finally pulled the trigger on a Marquis Epic.
I hate shopping unless it's something I really want.  Anyway, I know what you're saying about "did I do the right thing, get the best deal, should I have spent all this $$$, ect.  I think that is just part of the wait process for me.  When we were dealing on the Epic,  I wanted to "sleep" on the price and let him know the next day. He gave me the line of "it's only good today".  Now I know that many people on this forum say to walk away when this happens.  I thought about it but really wanted the tub.
The more I thought, I figured that I would probably call him the next day and try to get a better deal and if he refused I woluld have bought the tub anyway. So, I quit thinking and just bought the thing.  I was never very good at haggling over price but I knew I got a good deal.  The thing was, I was going to test a D1 the same day but after the Epic, I cancelled D1.  Anyway, you are experiencing what most people do after a large purchase, especially when you have to wait for the product to arrive.  If hot tubs were such that you could have them in a day or two,  people wouldn't have these doubts or questions.  I have to expand my deck before I can get my tub so I'm looking at a Sept or Oct delivery.   Hey, let's both forget about everything except soaking and enjoying our new hot tubs!! ;D :D

drprwnap  8)
Lovin' Spatopia in my Epic!


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2005, 11:20:54 am »
 "Am I the only one that hears these voices".

:)I've been waiting 3 weeks already and have about 2 more weeks to go before the tub gets here and the little voices are starting to argue.  Hopefully, when the tub arrives they will go away.


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2005, 01:36:41 pm »

Don't second guess yourself. If YOU liked the tub that's all that matters. EVERY tub is not perfect. PERIOD! It's as close to perfect as possible for YOU.

It doesn't matter which brand you're talking about. My tub is awesome, so is the Optima, so is the Vanguard, ... so is almost every other tub out there! Everyone has their own likes and dislikes.

There are times when I sit in my tub, I think about what a Piper Glen would be like. I would have bought one IF it was $7,000 but it was closer to $10,000. I had to make a trade off.

My friend didn't wet test, I didn't wet test - my wife thought I was over the top already with the research I did AND the fact our friend went to one store and bought a tub within 2 hours - she actually laughed at me when he bought.

Please don't take this the wrong way but every review is a person's OPINION - NOT A FACT. I have wants and likes which are different from everybody else. When shopping I wanted a tub that could "peel my skin off" and I got that in my tub, IMO - I sit in that type of message for about 1 minute and then turn it down because it hurts to have your skin peeled off. My wife doesn't really go in the tub - she doesn't enjoy it.

Relax during your wait and don't worry about your decision - you made the correct one for YOU!



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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
I hate to admit it, but I was torn between two Jacuzzi models and one had the lounger and was in stock able to come in a few days, and the other was a little larger, had a few more jets, but no lounger and would come in a month.  I tell peolle all the time I chose my model because of the lounger, when the truth is I hardley use the lounger, am one of the most impatient people I know, and chose the one I could get quicker as well as bribed the electrician to blow off other appointments to hook me up, paying no attention to the fact that it was a major purchase I would be living with for a decade.  I have no regrets, no remorse, and can't wait to get home to my tub and turn on all the useless bells and whistles while i soak in the star light night. ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 03:15:00 pm by orlandoguy »


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2005, 08:37:24 am »
hey bob, i have the piper's sister the dove canyon.  i love it. i wet tested about 6 major manufacturers,
sundance optima, marquis euphoria, saratoga pavillion, master, jacuzzi, hot springs, and looked at about 10 other manuf.  i did wet test the piper and the grand cayman too.  we opted for the lounge cause of the wife, but i can honestly say that the lounge is great!
 at first i wanted the piper, it's the ultimate party tub.
as far as the foot jets go.  i had the same problem in the showroom, not much pressure.  but when i got mine filled up and learned how to work the controls,  what do you know,  great pressure!  not only is there air and flow control on that foot dome, but there's also another lever , you have to turn it all the way to the left, kind of like a high and low adjustment.
you picked a fine tub bob.  artesian platinum series tubs are the cream of the crop.  happy tubbing!


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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2005, 02:38:50 pm »
I think I've managed to put the sh*t fairy to bed on this one. Thanks for all the encouragement. I found I can be more productive looking for all the extras I'm going to need now, cover lifter, N2, rubber duck, etc. Thanks again for the replies.

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Re: The WAIT
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2005, 02:38:50 pm »


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