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Author Topic: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....  (Read 3656 times)


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Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:17:51 am »
it seems BP has as of today come up with a what I want to call attack of the mini misquetos....seriously I have these little itty bitty bumps all over my body just noticed them today never had them last night when I was in the tub..so I know it's not my chems cause my chems have been perfect for the last 3 weeks (or at least I've been keeping them good) so....I'm calling the dr..to see what I can do they itch like crazy!!!!


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Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:17:51 am »


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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 11:33:04 am »
it seems BP has as of today come up with a what I want to call attack of the mini misquetos....

I'm calling the dr..to see what I can do they itch like crazy!!!!


I know that the first question the doctor will ask is if you've been in a spa lately as she/he will wonder if you have Foliculitis. When you say yes and how often I'm afraid they are going to conclude it is the case. I hope that's not it but if it is you'll need to put the spa through a super cleansing process. Let the Doc tell you but if it's in all your hair folicle/pores and itches badly ...
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 11:52:01 am »
Well, I'm thinking it might be Hives..because I've been worrying alot lately and they are not rashy type..or like what I've seen as far as hot tub rash goes..they are more like...an allergic reaction to something


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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 11:55:09 am »
Well, I'm thinking it might be Hives..because I've been worrying alot lately and they are not rashy type..or like what I've seen as far as hot tub rash goes..they are more like...an allergic reaction to something

That sounds exactly like my reaction to the bromine.  
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 12:00:08 pm »
Believe it or not, this is often misdiagnosed. Quite often it can be a heat rash and with the amount BP uses her spa, it wouldn't surprise me?

Maybe a couple of opinions and a sample of your water taken to a local lab beofre you drain it would help...



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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2005, 12:10:13 pm »
Geez louise....I keep reading about the "itchies" from the hot tubs and it's making me anxious before I even get mine.

Is this something to EXPECT?? ??? ???  I already had folliculitis (on arms/leg) several months ago and never figured out why.  No hot tub to blame it on.  It didn't itch but I just had a rash all over the bottom of my legs and lower arms.  Doctor said folliculitis and I think she gave me a script for oral cortisone.  I'm sensitive to EVERYTHING so it could have been body lotion for all I know.

Anyway....hearing about the "itchies" from the hot tub are giving me the itchies...LOLLLLL!!!  Is there any way to prevent the possibility??
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2005, 12:57:11 pm »
Is this something to EXPECT?? ??? ???  ??

No, relax. Just keep a good watch on your water maintenance and you should be fine. I've had a tub 6 yrs without incident but if you don't maintain the sanitizer it CAN happen (I'm NOT saying that's what happened to Backpains).
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2005, 01:01:20 pm »
I had a tub years ago.  I got these huge red blotches that itched.  I went to the Dr. and he said "look where they are and think about it".  They were exactly where my undies would be touching and nowhere else.  He concluded that the combination of the chemicals in the tub and the bleach or detergent  that I was using for the undies was causing an allergic reaction.  

I started doing a double rinse on the undies and the blotches went away and never came back.


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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2005, 02:31:44 pm »
Believe it or not, this is often misdiagnosed. Quite often it can be a heat rash and with the amount BP uses her spa, it wouldn't surprise me?

Maybe a couple of opinions and a sample of your water taken to a local lab beofre you drain it would help...


After having a hot tub for 2.5 years my father developed an itch condition.

It was not folliculitus. It was not an allergy to a chemical, otherwise it would have set in much sooner.

He developed excema. Some people will not show symptoms of this condition until they have a spa.

Others will over time develope an interlerance to specific chemicals they use. Not an allergy. Quite often in these cases it is chemicals such as the sanitizer, stain & scale inhibitors or clarifiers.
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2005, 03:10:12 pm »
After having a hot tub for 2.5 years my father developed an itch condition.

It was not folliculitus. It was not an allergy to a chemical, otherwise it would have set in much sooner.

He developed excema. Some people will not show symptoms of this condition until they have a spa.

Others will over time develope an interlerance to specific chemicals they use. Not an allergy. Quite often in these cases it is chemicals such as the sanitizer, stain & scale inhibitors or clarifiers.

what should a person do if this happens?? switch chems or something else


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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2005, 04:35:49 pm »
what should a person do if this happens?? switch chems or something else


In my fathers case, with the excema, he added an ozonator to reduce chemical use. He also has to moisturize, something he never did before.

If you suspect an intolerance to chemicals, you play the elimination game or simply use only sanitzer, oxidizer and balancers. The relaxation beneifits will often out weigh the benefits of preserving your metal components or clarifying the water.
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2005, 04:39:13 pm »
I wonder...would it be any different if you were going in a swimming pool everyday?  Of course, they aren't usually heated and probably the heat contributes??
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2005, 04:52:32 pm »
I wonder...would it be any different if you were going in a swimming pool everyday?  Of course, they aren't usually heated and probably the heat contributes??

Heat and in my fathers case, higher ppm of bromine. He. as I mentioned, did not buy it with ozone. He would maintain 3-5ppm.

Cappy, dont worry about this negative thread. Most do not have these issues. You most likely will not.
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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2005, 05:35:08 pm »
Ok gang..not to worry ok, I'm going to see how it looks tomorrow and if it's any worse I'll get an appt! I believe...it is just a combonation of my meds and the stress I've been under that is causing my problem..after all I've been diligent with water chems (I don't believe it's the tub or chems as I've had them and been using them for the past 2 months) So, I'm thinking that I've just got a case of the "hives" . But...here's my other problem..because I've got these bumps all over my legs...belly..and arms (wierd it's no where else but where I've described....not on my back...or my shoulders or my face and neck) it is tough to go into my hot tub due to the fact that hot water makes them itch like crazy!!

Hubby is bringing me home some Benedril and some Itch cream and we will go from there (oh I can just see this..remembering when she had the chicken pox and had little dots of redish cream all over her!!) So...I'll update you all later!

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Re: Ok spatech you may just be right again.....
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2005, 05:35:08 pm »


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