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Don't let your electrician scare you about the pricing on a 60 amp vs 50 amp install. The only difference in the wiring is the size of the GFI breaker. In my case, the 60 amp GFI breaker was $15 cheaper than the same brand's 50 amp. That was a square D brand "QO" series(Not their Homeline series).Brewman
Just to chime in, I agree that 60 is the way to go. I live in MD as well and a friend of mine has a SD cameo which was wired at 50amps. Most of the time, it really isn't an issue for him as he and his wife get in for relatively short amounts of time. When it is winter, and cold, and you have a bunch of people in the tub (thus running all pumps) the water does get noticably colder after about 30-60 minutes. -Ed