Congrats on your LSX! I've had my '04 in service for just over a year now and it has been issue free.....thank goodness. I hope yours will prove to be the same. I bought mine for $7900. I haven't seen them much less than that but I have seen them between $8k and $9k. The dealer initially quoted me around $9400 so I'd say your price is in the ball park.
I highly recommend you go with a dichlor (chlorine) routine as that has worked very well for me. The best feature of dichlor is the lack of chlorine when you are soaking. By adding chlorine after each soak, the "scuzzies" are neutralized by the dichlor and then the dichlor dissipates leaving nice clean water with very low levels of sanitizer. A weekly shock with either dichlor or MPS burns the combined chlorines leaving a really chlorine free tub. And make sure to get an extra set of the micro filters (the big ones) so that you can swap them out weekly, rinsing one set and letting them dry out for a week. This routine has kept mine looking new.
BTW, you can check my tub out here:
LSXGood luck and may the goddess of Spatopia bless you with crystal water--