Geez...this was one of the most difficult decisions we've made. We decided on the Marquis Epic.
We won't get it for a month or so because we have work to do to get ready. We are planning to add a screen room so maybe we'll be done about the time it starts to cool down a bit (yea, right

Anyway, it was so hard to chose between the J385 and the Epic but ultimately we thought the Epic had better therapy and that is the reason we are buying a tub. Also, the Epic has the neck jets and I really need that feature. Oh, the other thing on the 385 was the lounger was too short for my husband. He actually didn't feel comfortable in but 1-2 seats. He likes the deep seats in the Epic. See...I told him he had to wet test!!! If he had just done this from the beginning he could have saved me some worry...HAAAA!!

Thanks to Mendo who was very helpful with questions I had.

I'll post as we proceed. Whew.....can't wait to be soaking in my exceptional Epic!