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Author Topic: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...  (Read 3355 times)


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Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« on: August 05, 2005, 08:14:43 pm »

Hi All!! First post and I gotta say, very informative forum!

I purchased my Majesta without an ozone system since the spa/accessory pricing here in Hawaii is off the charts...lol. So, instead of paying $500.00 from the dealer, I got a CD Ozonator from Del Ozone for my Majesta. I got it hardwired, UV light on the ozonator unit is on, there's suction from the line going into the ozonator and tiny aerating bubbles are present in the tub.  

So...hopefully I explained the details thoroughly in the above paragraph...

here's my question...in the SD manual, it states that an ozonator indicator in the LCD panel should be lit. I know it's wired correctly, and the ozonator is working....so is there something wrong with my LCD display? Or is there a jumper I need to change to let the unit know that I installed a CD ozonator?

Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« on: August 05, 2005, 08:14:43 pm »


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2005, 09:41:14 am »
I am a little confused.  You got a CD ozonator from DEL and the UV light is on.  What is the model # of the ozonator.  Your reference to the UV light being on could indicate that you have a UV ozonator.  CD ozonators are electrical charge and discarge systems and do not use a UV light.

Secondly, you hared wired it where to what? ???

The Sunzone comes with an unusual plug which is the reason why you hard wired it I am sure, but what  circuit did you pick up the 240 volts from? ???  This could be why you have no ICON on the control panel.

Thirdly, you could reconsider your decisions, it is possible to create conflicts with the electronics that could cause problems.  If they come out to service your spa, your warranty could be voided. :o

did you hard wire to the ozonator plug hook up? ???


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2005, 05:33:08 pm »
I am a little confused.  You got a CD ozonator from DEL and the UV light is on.  What is the model # of the ozonator.  Your reference to the UV light being on could indicate that you have a UV ozonator.  CD ozonators are electrical charge and discarge systems and do not use a UV light.

Secondly, you hared wired it where to what? ???

The Sunzone comes with an unusual plug which is the reason why you hard wired it I am sure, but what  circuit did you pick up the 240 volts from? ???  This could be why you have no ICON on the control panel.

Thirdly, you could reconsider your decisions, it is possible to create conflicts with the electronics that could cause problems.  If they come out to service your spa, your warranty could be voided. :o

did you hard wire to the ozonator plug hook up? ???

J. McD...Thanks for the reply :)...I was hoping you would since you seem to be a SD retailer..

this is the model I purchased...

It states that it's a CD ozonator. I might of misled you as there is an 'indicator' light on the ozonator that shows that the unit is working. It's a bright purple light ???

I wired the ozonator by following the original wiring on connector that the spa came with. Yes, it was a wierd looking connector as I couldn't find any plugs that matched it. So I ordered the unit without a plug(barewire at the ends) since I intended to wire it direcly into the panel on the spa. The connection points were clearly labeled (W)White, (B)Black, and I (G)grounded it to the grounding point.

I understand about the warranty as it was clearly labeled on the cover of the panel thus I didn't want to ask the dealer. I tried to purchase the SD brand ozonator on-line however I couldn't get a shipping quote to Hawaii(perhaps a territory issue with dealers?) >:(. I know, what's another $500 for an ozonator after spending $8500 :o for the spa, but you have to understand, when you see it priced at about $200 online(for the SD brand) and $125.00 for the Del Ozone, I just wanted to save a little :-/  I tried to get an SD brand ozonator but as I stated above...no luck getting it shipped to Hawaii :'(

The ozonator seems to be operating properly except for the indicator on the lcd panel of the spa. J. McD, in your opinion, could this just be an incompatiblity issue since I'm not using the SD brand ozonator?

I read in another post somewhere stating that if there is no current draw from the ozonator, the ozonator is not working and the indicator light on the lcd panel will not be lit. Is that true?

Sorry for all the questions and I value all responses..thanks in advance. ;D

« Last Edit: August 07, 2005, 05:39:42 pm by Dog_Pound »


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2005, 10:57:56 pm »


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2005, 11:19:14 pm »
Got your ttt.  I meant to open up and look at the wiring for the ozone and did not have that opportunity.  I will do that for you tomorrow.  It is my opinion that if you have wired it to the white, black and green wires of the circuit board you should get the ICON on the control panel, that is assuming your Del is 240 volts, confrim.  Del is one of the best Ozonators manufacturers on the market and it should do a very good job for you.  You should be getting the "fine" bubbles bubbling up from the footwell.  I would think the ICON should be on.  I will look into it tomorrow and get back to you.

Wish I was in Paradise with you.  Hottubman has been trying to get me to take some time off and I would just love putting in a sunzone for you, but the Del will work just great.  


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2005, 08:39:25 am »
I asked a couple of my technicians and they said that the Del ozone whether UV or CD will work on the spa as long as it is wired right. However, the panel will only read out if it was an SD brand ozone such as the sunzone cd or se. The bubbles might not be as fine as the ones made by SD but they'll be there and the ozone would work.


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2005, 02:14:07 pm »
Thanks for the info guys! ;D

J. McD...yes it's a 240v unit. I confirmed it with the tech person at Del Ozone just to be sure. Thanks for offering to look at the panel on one of your units ;) SDguy confirmed what I thought was the problem in the following post. Thanks again J.McD..

SDguy...thank you also for checking with your tech guys. You saved me from pulling my hair on trying to find an SD brand ozone distributor on line willing to ship to HI :-X Just a note...the bubbles look similar to bubbles in a champagne glass. I'm not sure what 'fine' is so I just want to note it in case someone was curious about the Del brand of ozone products.

Thanks guys ;D


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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2005, 03:33:21 pm »
Just a couple of questions.  

1) Why wouldn't the icon show up if the ozone is not a "Sundance" brand?  I believe Del makes Sundances brand of ozone.  

2) From what I have learned at the service seminars, the circuit board needs a certain amperage being pulled to have the icon show up.  Maybe the ozone you bought is just that much more efficient in that it doesn't pull enough amps to light the icon.  Some of the CD ozone generators that Sundance sells will do the same thing.

3) The Majesta comes with a venturi installed.  How would a different ozone produce different bubbles?  I am assuming you are using the same size hose that is supplied with the tub.  

Just some questions because some of that didn't make sense to me and I am just wondering the logic behind some of the answers.



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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2005, 06:14:40 pm »
  Now you got me scratching my head again ??? You are correct, the Majesta was ozone ready and had all the plumbing in place. All I did was connect the ozonator to the power source(panel under the spa) and hook up the tubing(supplied with the spa).
 I'm hoping your comment on the amperage draw is the cause of my problem. It kind of makes sense when I think about it... :-/
 Oh well....as long as the ozonator is doing it's job, I'm fine with the glitch in the LCD display. I just thought there was a jumper(for the ozone icon) I had to switch on the circuit board or something ???

Thanks for the info SS..
« Last Edit: August 09, 2005, 06:15:37 pm by Dog_Pound »

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Re: Got a question regarding a SD Majesta...
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2005, 06:14:40 pm »


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