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Author Topic: any body got a magic wand?  (Read 5855 times)


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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2005, 01:00:32 pm »
have u considered capping the concrete with slate or possibly a 1 inch brick paver would probably be a far superior floor to the stamping and a lot less work and cost than demoing existing slaband repouring

yes we have come to terms that we will probably be covering it with something, we have a good friend who is a tile guy and he's offered to help us come up with something too. just dont know what will fit with the rest of our yard yet. we didnt have a back up plan.

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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2005, 01:00:32 pm »


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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2005, 11:12:40 am »
Bottom Line
If you paid by credit card, call them and have payment stopped.
Take a bunch of pics with your digicam
Call your layer.
No excuses for what they did.
Get a quote on the replacement and the cost of any other yard repairs that will be required and have your layer send them a bill including his cost.  Their insurance company would likely rather settle than go to court.
I am not condoning suing or legal action, but just make sure you get what you paid for and that included delivery without damage to your property.


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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2005, 11:37:19 am »
what's a layer, are you talking bout the masonry guy who layed the concrete or what?

stamped concrete can be repaired.  it takes some creativity and some patience but it can.  you just need a very skilled mason to do it.  

but make sure all bills are paid by your spa dealer.
good luck.


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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2005, 12:03:22 pm »
I was reading through this looking on info on how to vaccum the specks off the bottom of my spa but realized it is about a magic wand, NOT a spa wand.   I will look elsewhere for my spa wand I guess. :-/


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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2005, 11:03:49 pm »
Lakeside, this is an unfortunate event.  The delivery guys should have been much more knowledgeable about what they were doing and how they were going to do it.  I know you have been in discussion with the dealer and we will all follow you through this unfortunate event to it's conclusion.

Of course this is what the dealer has insurance for, and I do understand he has been somewhat receptive to investigate and undrstand the situation for a mutually beneficial out come that will of course satisfy your needs and expectations.

I must assume you shopped around for your spa before making your decision and this certainly is a disappointment, let's all hope that it has a very good outcome that leaves you without remorse or anexiety levels that spoil your enjoyment of your original objective, getting into hot water.

What suprises me is the alomst immediate response that assumes the worst for you requiring you to take far reaching measures to extract justice before evaluation.  Your dealer is going to be helping you for a long period of time.  I would be most hopeful that he will be very responsive to what ever it takes to correct this unfortunate event.  I know everyone is jumping to judgement, but golly gee, please give him a chance before we all collectively crucify the guy for the stupid actions of the delivery crew.  Wow.

obi wan

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Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2005, 10:36:07 am »
accidents do happen. to bad the delivery job was botched. its unfortunate that it happened, but the dealer is responsible for the repairs.
i'm an ops manager for a company that does home automation, alarms, home theatres, cctv's etc. over the years, i have had  technicians that have drilled a waterline, electrical wires, and even broken glass doors /windows. a couple of years back, i had a tech cut a small hole in a wall to mount a lighting control center, IN THE WRONG PLACE. he was off by about 2 feet. of course the wallpaper was out of production, so we paid to have the whole kitchenrewallpapered.
its part off the biz.  ::)fecal matter occurs...... know what i mean? ::) ::) ;D
i would recomend taking pics and document the damage. call the dealer and tell him you expect a time frame of when the damage will be repaired/ compensated. if the dealer wants to discount the tub, give you a bar, stairs, etc.... feel free to negotiate BASED ON THE REPAIR COST FOR THE ACTUAL DAMAGE.
the customer of mine that we damaged the wallpaper took a check from us, and spent it on something else. thats life. thats why we carry insurance. we were responsible to the customer to put their home back to the condition it was in before we started. we got 3 estimates, and wrote a check to the customer and that made the customer happy.
get estimates to repair the damage, and take it from there.
I DO agree that calling an attorney, etc.... is definitely jumping the gun. giver the dealer the oppotunityu to make you happy. hopefully you can come to an agreement that will make you both happy. and you will be able to soak and enjoy a great relationship with the dealer.  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: any body got a magic wand?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2005, 10:36:07 am »


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