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Author Topic: MicroPure Filter  (Read 5465 times)


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MicroPure Filter
« on: August 05, 2005, 05:10:52 pm »
I would like to pick brains of some the chemistry experts here regarding this filter.

For those that are not familiar, this filter was at first sold exclusively to Arctic as a replacement to a Unicel C-4950. It is now availible in multiple sizes to replace Unicel C-4335 and C-4975.

I do realize other manufacturers have used 1 micro filters with 20 micron traditional filters, like Sundance.

This filter instructs the user to limit there chemical use to the following:
pH and alkaliny balancers

The principle is that there is no need to use enzymes and clarifiers as those particles will not make it through the 1 microm filter.

I had correspondence with the manufacturer of this filter via email and was told that over 3-4 months this filter will also remove 100-150ppm of calcium.

Here in lies my concern. Being trained on chemistry by BioLab, Beachcomber and Mursatt, I was taught a couple of  things regarding calcium.
1) Water that is low in calcium can become aggressive and damage equipment and surfaces.
2) Water that is low in calcium is more likely to foam.

The first point seems to contradict the advantages of water softeners while the second point tends to support what water softener sellers claim (use less soap etc)

So here is my question: Are these pool / spa chemical manufacturers just trying to sell more calcium or should Micropure filter users be concerned?

« Last Edit: August 05, 2005, 05:11:45 pm by HotTubMan »
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MicroPure Filter
« on: August 05, 2005, 05:10:52 pm »


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 07:05:17 pm »
Interesting point. As a MicroPure filter user I am curious as to what others in the know might have to say about this.

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2005, 12:18:39 am »
JC, have you seen a drop in calcium?

I'm no expert but...

A DE filter filters down to 2-3 microns I believe and doesn't affect a pool's calcium level. Unless the micropure filter is coated with something to precipitate calcium, once dissolved into the water calcium shouldn't go anywhere. As a matter of fact, I have read that a DE filter can strain out the algaecide Poly ........ (whatever) due to it's straining capability.

How many microns is the micropure filter? I doubt it's small enough to suck dissolved calcium out of water - it would gum up in no time, it's filtering out the other contaminants as well. I've seen 1, 6 and 20 micron medical filters after filtering a week or month of water filtering and their filthy.

I do believe that soft water will attack certain metals (I think it has to do with the electron bonding at the molecular level - not sure though) and unless a manufacturer states don't worry about water hardness (HS No fault heater), I would worry about hardness.

Anyway my thoughts on this subject!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2005, 12:20:26 am by Vinny »


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2005, 08:14:52 am »
I am not very familiar with Arctic's MiroPure filter, but I am a user of SD's MicroClean filter that filters down to 1 micron.  This filter works only with the low flow circ pump partnered with a traditional pleated filter working through a two speed main pump.  There is no claim, that I know of, that it reduces chemical useage, etc., only that it is a finer filter.  When SD went to the high flow circ pump to handle all the filtration, they had to go to the MicroClean II filter which filters down to 5 microns.

The SD MicroClean system has been in use since 2002.  Most users will have calcium levels in the 100-400 ppm range.  I keep my calcium levels on the lower side, only because that is how it comes from the tap, but it does stay at that level throughout.  I am not a user or believer of pH hold products, but I know there are SD MicroClean users because my dealer sells the product.

It seems that the Arctic filter and the SD filter do not profess to do the same thing.


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2005, 08:48:56 am »
wow, this chemistry talk is way over my head.  I studied politics, sociology and police sciences involving zero math.  So as for that level I cant help here at all.

I have had my tub running for about two weeks.  The water is in great shape.   I have taken my water to the store for testing twice now and both times, my water has been really good.

Now from what I understand of the micro pure filter is that due to the fact that it filters down to 1 micron, it eliminates the need for chemicals that bond molecules together so that the pleated filter picks it up.

The micro pure allows the molecules to be picked up on its own with out the assistance of products such as scale, clarifiers and enzymes.  

The tub is crystal clear and based on the how clear is clear post a few weeks ago, I can drop a quarter in the bottom and see all the detail perfectly.  Plus my water was tested for clarity and it was ideal.

I find this micropure just one added bonus.  I do not have to worry about anything.  No filter cleaning or soaking in chemicals saves me tons of time, energy and cash.  All I have to do is throw away the filter and I am good to go.

A friend from work has had his tub for two years.  He loves it.   Well last month he tried the micro pure filter for the first time.  He says that his watre has never been clearer.  

I also noticed that I have not had one issue with foam yet.  I have used it lots, with lots of friends over using their bathing suits washed in soap even.  My dealer said that the micropure filters soap and prevents foaming.

I will ask my dealer about calcium.  I was told that with filtration I would never have to worry about calcium.


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2005, 09:18:08 am »
In my correspondence with MicroPure, the sales rep claimed that Calcium Hardness will be reduced by 100-150PPM over the 3-4 months of the filters use. I have no experience to back it up, just what the manufacturer of filter told me.
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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2005, 11:22:55 am »

In looking at the info on above link, it doesn't state anything about removing "hardness" from the water as I would think that would be detrimental to the water for the reasons you mentioned HTM.

2 things come to mind with this filter and the way in which it's being presented. First off, it states "Removes solids in water and lowers the TDS on a constant basis, extending the time between water changes." I've been in this industry a long time and I've never heard of anything that can lower TDS. Maybe a bit of over marketing I'm guessing...

Secondly, at 1 micron, is there a risk of the pump having to work harder due to the restriction in flow and even more so when that filter is at or near the end of it's life span?

It does mention the fact that it filters out minerals and I'm guessing that the person you spoke to didn't really have the right terminology when referring to this. A zero (or less than 100ppm reading of CH) would not produce great water by any means.



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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2005, 11:49:30 am »

If I came off in my answer as being rude - I'm sorry!

It's amazing what some sales reps will say! ;)

I don't know anything about the micropure filters but a 1 micron filter is a very tight filter. It will filter almost anything in the water. My pool's DE filter does a great job at filtering out fine particles, so I would think something filtering finer really makes the water sparkle! The only concern I would have is how quickly the filter will clog up. I have Microban filters in my tub and the dealer stated they will clog faster than regular filters. I have no clue the pore size of microban filters.

I remember asking over at Doc's site years ago about why not use a DE filter in a tub due to it's filtering capablities and I guess this is the industry's answer to the filtering effectiveness "problem".

I would like to try one of these filters on my tub, hopefully they'll make them readily available for all tubs one day; assuming the cost wasn't prohibitive!


I think a micron is 1/1,000,000 of an inch. Your water should be sparkling clean with the ability of the filter to trap almost all contaminents with the first pass.

I would agree that you need nothing but water, calcium (maybe), PH and sanitizer for your tub! That filter is made to do a great job.

Is it inside another filter? If it is, then I think you still need to wash the other filter as it will get dirty too.


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2005, 01:06:01 pm »

If I came off in my answer as being rude - I'm sorry!

It's amazing what some sales reps will say! ;)


Not a chance Vinny. You did not offend...funny how things come accross on the site.
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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2005, 01:08:16 pm »

Secondly, at 1 micron, is there a risk of the pump having to work harder due to the restriction in flow and even more so when that filter is at or near the end of it's life span?

I was wondering about that too.
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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2005, 01:10:14 pm »

FYI, Bosco is in Hamilton. His calcium is 95 out of the tap. He seems to have clear, unfoamy water.
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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2005, 03:38:25 pm »

FYI, Bosco is in Hamilton. His calcium is 95 out of the tap. He seems to have clear, unfoamy water.

That's possible for a period of time I imagine. Long term effects can and will have a negitive effect to his water quality and equipment if that reading is sustained IMO.



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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2005, 05:18:46 pm »
In my correspondence with MicroPure, the sales rep claimed that Calcium Hardness will be reduced by 100-150PPM over the 3-4 months of the filters use. I have no experience to back it up, just what the manufacturer of filter told me.

I've used the Micropure filters for 6 months and the regular pleated filters for 6 months. The difference...about 35 bucks every 2 months. Zero difference in water hardness, zero difference in water clarity, and zero difference in TDS accumulation.

In fact, my water seems to last a bit longer with regular pleated filters. I was a big proponent to 1 mic filters until I actually tried a pleated filter.


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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2005, 05:30:08 pm »
I went to the link that Steve provided, they are kind of costly. I picked up 2 extra filters from my dealer and it cost $90.00 and she said ALL my filters will last about 4 years if I take care of them.

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Re: MicroPure Filter
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2005, 05:30:08 pm »


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