I played 18 holes today, got home, needed the hot tub. We have not used the spa in two days because of excessive heat and thunderstorms.
The water didn't look good. Its been 2 1/2 months since the last refill so I decided not to try to recover, but to dump and refill. I did the power dump and bail. Its refilling now. Boy do I need a hot tub now. Lt Dan, you here ?

Well, this is the warmest weather I have ever refilled my tub in. I'm curious to see what the starting temp is, this is our warmest summer in 5 years. I can't remember what my highest starting temp is. I think its 61. Going out to turn off the hoses and hit the power. I'll let you know.
Oh, yea, the reason for the subject. This is the first time I have refilled the hot tub on the same day that I had delivery of our spring water. I only get 25 gallons at a time If I decided to refill the tub with spring water it would cost $500