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In Breckenridge CO we maintain ruffly 100 + spas on a weekly basis. Â We drain and fill spas more in the winter then the summer. Â The reason is more people are useing the spa. Â Usually 10-20 people renting a house for the week. Â At the end of there stay the tubs get pretty bad. Â We use a sump pump to drain the spa (takes 15 mins). Â Clean the filter/filters, clean the shell. Â Then fill the spa right after. Â We have never incured a problem. Â However make sure you fill the spa right after you drain the tub. Â Michaelwww.HeavenlyTimes.com
See now this was the opinion that I was looking for....I mean ok..I use my tub alot more than anyone else on this board (or at least I think I do) and I need to know if it's going to be detremential to my spa to drain and refill in the winter if I HAVE to...this is not saying I will have to...remember gang I along with many others here on this board are NEWBIES!!! We will and have screwed up our chemestry and had to drain and refill just some prefer not to let you all know when they screw up. I was just mearly asking if I had to how would this affect my tub..do I need to take any precautions. P.S. I'm sorry if I got or get a little snippity with anyone or hurt any feelings today..my back is really giving me fits and it's to damned hot to go out and soak!
I find it amusing (and a wee bit annoying) that you asked for opinions and advice on what WE DO to our spas in the winter, then upon getting this information, cast it aside until you get told what you wanted to hear in the first place. Â Then berate us for giving you wrong opinions? Â Personally, you can keep your apology. Â Using the fact that you were in pain as an excuse to be rude to those who were only trying to help you gets old.I applogize if this hurts your feelings. Â Brewman
I beleive in ozone and we have it installed in every tub we sell, no choice, it's a company policy.