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Author Topic: I just can't believe it...  (Read 10491 times)


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2004, 10:16:34 pm »
I'm thinking that I can connect this with not changing out my frog bromine cartridge early enough.  When I shook the container I still heard plenty of bromine, but I guess what I heard wasn't bromine.  I think I must have been out of bromine for almost a week when I finally entered the tub and contracted the rash.  

So sorry to hear about your rash issues Elle.

One "issue" i've found with the Frog system is that you need to closely monitor the bromine you have. Shaking the container won't help too much as there will always be some left-over stuff in it. I've found that the Frog bromine lasts 3 to 4 weeks (that all depends on usage and bromine level wanted).

When you notice your bromine level in the tub going down it's a good sign it needs replacing. I got tired off throwing out Frog Bromine catridges and now refill them with bromine tabs. Works like a charm! It's easier to know when it needs replacing, it costs about 1/5 the price, there is no "toxic cartridge disposal" and water is great!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 12:40:34 am by empolgation »

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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2004, 10:16:34 pm »


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2004, 02:28:39 am »
When you notice your bromine level in the tub going down it's a good sign it needs replacing. I got tired off throwing out Frog Bromine catridges and now refill them with bromine tabs. Works like a charm! It's easier to know when it needs replacing, it costs about 1/5 the price, there is no "toxic cartridge disposal" and water is great!
Perhaps you should just go to a standard floater and a regular N2 cartridge? Might work as well or better, and save you even more.

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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2004, 05:05:49 pm »
Chas! I had did a triple take on this one. Are you actually recommending someone use tablets and a floater?

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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2004, 06:20:37 pm »
Chas! I had did a triple take on this one. Are you actually recommending someone use tablets and a floater?


Thank-you for that question -

I generally do not recommed the use of a floater. They have problems which can very easily not be covered by the warranty on most tubs. Especially if you use Tri-chlor tabs. Those WILL do damage to your tub, but you may not see it for many years.

No - in this one very special case they were using the frog, which is a bromine floater system combined with mineral purifier similar to  a N2 cartridge. I figured if they were already using it, and they mentioned that they were refilling it, I figured this would do the same, but with greater control and may save them a few bucks.

Great question, btw - you can't use N2 with Bromine, so you would want to buy the regular 'spa frog' cart in this instance.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2004, 07:43:46 pm »
No - in this one very special case they were using the frog, which is a bromine floater system combined with mineral purifier similar to  a N2 cartridge. I figured if they were already using it, and they mentioned that they were refilling it, I figured this would do the same, but with greater control and may save them a few bucks.

Chas, that would be a good recommended alternative for Frog floating system; what is being referred to in this case is the Inline Frog system - no floaters here :)


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2004, 07:55:32 pm »
Chas, that would be a good recommended alternative for Frog floating system; what is being referred to in this case is the Inline Frog system - no floaters here :)

Bottom line is the frog works very well but many dealers don't understand it and sell it as a "You don't need to do anything system. Telling every customer that they will only replace the cartridge once a month without knowing their usage is wrong. 4 people in the spa several times a week will greatly shorten the lifespan. Starting your system correctly and knowing how to test is the key. I'm sure Chas and many other HS dealers remember the hassels when Nature II came out and people were missinformed how to use it. As this system becomes more common it will be a favorite of many...


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2004, 08:40:48 pm »
Chas, that would be a good recommended alternative for Frog floating system; what is being referred to in this case is the Inline Frog system - no floaters here :)

Ah. K.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2004, 08:45:43 pm »
Bottom line is the frog works very well but many dealers don't understand it and sell it as a "You don't need to do anything system. Telling every customer that they will only replace the cartridge once a month without knowing their usage is wrong. 4 people in the spa several times a week will greatly shorten the lifespan. Starting your system correctly and knowing how to test is the key. I'm sure Chas and many other HS dealers remember the hassels when Nature II came out and people were missinformed how to use it. As this system becomes more common it will be a favorite of many...

And in my case, I guess my dealer knows less than most because he told us that the frog bromine should last about 2 weeks (five people using tub almost nightly)...and then he came out for a service call about start of the 3rd week and he checked the cartridge (gave it a shake) and said that we would probably be good for another week.  Little did either one of us know that the bromine was gone and I'd be rash covered in little over a week.  
My word of advice for anyone using the frog would be to error on the side of caution and ditch your cartridge after 3 weeks or sooner.



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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2005, 04:19:57 pm »
I got tired off throwing out Frog Bromine catridges and now refill them with bromine tabs. Works like a charm! It's easier to know when it needs replacing, it costs about 1/5 the price, there is no "toxic cartridge disposal" and water is great!

I have the frog system built in to my spa and I like the idea of refilling the bromine cartridge to save $. Can you be more specific about the bromine tabs I should get? Are there different kinds of bromine tablets or just one? EBay has 10 lbs of bromine tabs for sale here, will that work? Can you do the same thing with the mineral cartridge? What would I be looking for?

Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2005, 08:28:24 pm »
You can certainly use a regular frog stick that sits in or on the filter with a regular floater for the bromine.  I also think it may be a better and probably less expensive way than the total frog bromine system.


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2005, 09:18:20 pm »
I have been filling my spent cartridges too.  I bought some pucks that are 96% the same content that the frog cartridges are.  The pucks fit right into the cartridge, about five I think.  Add a little diclor to the water when the bather load is high and use MPS to shock and convert the spent bromine back into a sanitizer.  I add sodium bromide solution after a water change, get the highest percentage that you can.


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2005, 07:32:07 am »
I also had a very bad rash when we were using Nature II stick with Spa Guard Chlorinating Concentrate.  We switched from Baqua Spa to Nature II when I got the rash.  We have switched our chemicals again to Soft Soak by Spa Guard,( which is like Baqua Spa) you only put chemicals in once a week.  We are having no problems with the water now and no rash!!!  I still have scars on my legs I had the rash so bad.  Hope you feel better soon. Lynnette :) :) :)


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2005, 10:37:58 am »

I have the frog system built in to my spa and I like the idea of refilling the bromine cartridge to save $. Can you be more specific about the bromine tabs I should get? Are there different kinds of bromine tablets or just one? EBay has 10 lbs of bromine tabs for sale here, will that work? Can you do the same thing with the mineral cartridge? What would I be looking for?


I have found the quality of Bromine tabs (and other chems) vary from supplier to supplier!

I've seen Bromine tabs in particular really mess with your PH


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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2005, 01:22:10 pm »
I have the frog system built in to my spa and I like the idea of refilling the bromine cartridge to save $. Can you be more specific about the bromine tabs I should get? Are there different kinds of bromine tablets or just one? EBay has 10 lbs of bromine tabs for sale here, will that work? Can you do the same thing with the mineral cartridge? What would I be looking for?


I've had success with both Clear View and spaclear tabs without having PH issues. I would not recommend large quantities of unknown products. Buy a small amount of whatever you try with at least 96% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethydantion made for spas. As for the mineral cartridge, I know of no alternative.

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Re: I just can't believe it...
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2005, 01:22:10 pm »


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