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Author Topic: chemical confusion as well  (Read 2167 times)


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chemical confusion as well
« on: July 30, 2005, 09:04:02 am »
Ok I bought Sodium Dichlor and peroxy monosulfate (sp?) I also have a Nature2 Filter.  From my understanding on the nature2 site I use the shock (MPS) everytime after use and only put Dichlor in as needed. (ex. cloudy water)  Does this sound right? I put the dichlor in at start up but just don't know when to use it again.  Today I need to shop for some ph and alkalinity adjusters.  Also how do I test for Calcium hardness and does anyone recommend how to treat that?

Thank you. This board has been awesome!

*newbie hot tubber*
by the way can I just say that I'm glad I'm doing this because if my husband were in charge we'd all end up in hot tub rash!

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chemical confusion as well
« on: July 30, 2005, 09:04:02 am »


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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 10:40:21 am »
Others will chime in re:dichlor. I would suggest this formula: 1 TEASP00N/person/20 miutes in the tub. Leave the cover off for 15-30 minutes after you get out to allow the dichlor to gas off.
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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 10:49:18 am »
Since your using dichlor ...

My OPINION is I have to question the effectiveness of Nature 2 at being a sanitizer. It's not a primary sanitizer, it's a secondary. That means you really shouldn't rely on it sanitizing the tub - If you have a lot of people in it, it won't be able to handle the load.

But to answer your question somewhat. I use dichlor AFTER I get into the tub. I'm sure that you've heard about Vermonter and Northman. If not, go to rhtubs -  go to the forum and look under the FAQ.

Basically you need to put enough dichlor into your tub to reach 2 to 3 PPM about 20 min after putting it in. It all depends on how many people use your tub at a specific time - if it's just you, maybe 1 teaspoon; but if you have 6 people in it maybe 2 tablespoons. I do have MPS and have used it twice in the 1 1/2 months that I've had the tub. My dealer gave me a dichlor shock product that has MPS in it I believe and I'm trying to use that up. The idea is use dichlor all the time and MPS to shock the tub once a week so dichlor can do it's job.

As for calcium hardness, I believe water should be "balanced". Balanced water is water that has all it's parameters in a specific range, calcium is one of them. Go to a spa or pool store and ask them for calcium increaser - I believe it's calcium chloride. To test, I use a Taylor kit, but I think some test strips test for it also. you want the calcium hardness to be about 200 PPM - If it's below a certain point (150 ?) it can cause excessive foaming as per the experts here.

I would adjust PH first to 7.2 to 7.5, alkalinity may or may not fall into the proper range - it helps the PH stay stable. then adjust calcium (if you know the volume of your tub, a store may be able to tell you put in [this much] calcium increaser), put in some chlorine to get some sanitizer in the tub and enjoy the tub.

After you get out - put enough chlorine in the tub for the 2 - 3 PPM and IF you don't go in for about  12 hours (overnight or morning/evening) you'll be soaking in minimal chlorine. Once a week shock with the MPS (you should substitute dichlor once in a while - super chlorination kills almost everything nasty in the tub), clean or change the filters (this is an important step) and your good to go. ALSO!!! - IF you have a lot of people in your tub - clean the filters the next day - I've learned this the hard way TWICE - spa filtration is different from pool filtration (if you own a pool).

I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please ask!


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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2005, 11:13:41 am »
"Basically you need to put enough dichlor into your tub to reach 2 to 3 PPM about 20 min after putting it in."

This is the main thing you want to be concerned about.  Do not let anyone tell you that 1tsp., 1tbsp., 1 cap or whatever is the correct amount because every bather is different.  Always test the water after adding chlorine.

Also, if you do not get the chlorine level up before you put the nature2 cartridge in, your cartridge will be fighting an uphill battle.  


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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2005, 11:16:33 am »
I have had my HS Vanguard since April. The dealer gave us dichlor and a ph test kit and thats it. The tub has the HS version of Nature 2. All iI do is add 1/2 tsp of dichlor per person after use push the clean button and close it up after it stops. I haven't had any problems except for suds caused by swim suits washed in detergent. Shocked tub with about 3 tbs of dichlor, ran for 2 hours and washed filters and the problem was solved. The test kit also has a chlorine tester but the dealer says I don't need it. The simpler the better. Have nice clear water all the time.


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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2005, 12:02:08 pm »
"The test kit also has a chlorine tester but the dealer says I don't need it."

Yikes :o

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Re: chemical confusion as well
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2005, 12:02:08 pm »


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