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Author Topic: Hydropool Spa  (Read 30517 times)


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Re: Hydropool Spa
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2005, 03:05:45 pm »

So drewstar; what's more economical...a small circ pump running 24 hours per day, or a larger pump running on low speed 4 hours a day? Let's see if you know the answer to this... ;)


Steve,  I honeslty don't know. I'll tell you my expereince with a POS used tub withouot a circ pump, it was disasterous.   Based on that experince, I wouldn't want a large pump for heat circ.  

Do you have a definitive answer?

If for some reason I've given you the impression that I did know the answers then I appologize.  I'm trying to add my experinces to the conversation in an effort to help other understand, as well as spur discussion.  

Fogive me if i'm wrong, but for some reason I get the impression that I'm antagonizing you. If you have an issue, please feel free to contact me either PM or my e-mail is in my profile.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2005, 03:06:29 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hydropool Spa
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2005, 03:05:45 pm »


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Re: Hydropool Spa
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 03:22:37 pm »

Steve,  I honeslty don't know. I'll tell you my expereince with a POS used tub withouot a circ pump, it was disasterous.   Based on that experince, I wouldn't want a large pump for heat circ.  

Do you have a definitive answer?

 If for some reason I've given you the impression that I did know the answers then I appologize.  I'm trying to add my experinces to the conversation in an effort to help other understand, as well as spur discussion.  

Fogive me if i'm wrong, but for some reason I get the impression that I'm antagonizing you. If you have an issue, please feel free to contact me either PM or my e-mail is in my profile.

Not at all. Sorry if I gave that impression.

As Spatech mentioned, the cost to operate either method is very similar. There's no advantage of one to the other in IMO. The question then becomes the amount  of filtration and not so much the time spent filtering. Consumers should be more concerned with the quality of filtration as oppsed to the time spent filtering.

Many of the major brand of spas have filtration cycles. It has been used for years and works extremely well and economically.

Do we want a spa that filters 24 hours per day with a poor filtration system, or 1 that filters on cycles and turns the body of water over every 15 minutes with complete filtration.

Since we're talking Hydropool here, the addition of a skimmer, pre-filter, floor vacuum, ozone purification, pressurized filtration and an in-line chemical feeder, this combination gives the end user the best alternative out there for addressing all aspects of water maintenance and cleaning available IMO. We have far surpassed the basic skimmers that are now industry standard.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hydropool Spa
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 03:22:37 pm »


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