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Author Topic: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done.....  (Read 8188 times)


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2005, 01:47:24 pm »
I think Stuart has a story like that.  I know when I read it on here, I started rolling on the floor.  I will have to search for it.

NOPE, sorry! It was me... LORD, I have to embareass myself yet once again.... Click here for a good laugh.


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2005, 01:47:24 pm »


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2005, 08:25:31 pm »
Gee, this is such great timing considering my story occurred just this weekend.  
I don't know, maybe it's fairly common, but after talking to my dealer on Friday who was coming out the next day to set up my spa, I decided I'd do him a favor and have it filled with water before he got here.
So Friday night, I set the hose in and turn it on. I figured I'd check it in 45 minutes, left and watched some TV. Of course, I'm feeling antsy and want to check it out early. 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes. No! It won't be filled by then. I'll just wait the full 45 minutes.
45 minutes finally rolls around and I go out to the spa. Other than the spa, there's no electrical yet so I have no lights to turn on but I can see enough from the street lights that the tub is slowly filling. My wife and I then noticed the sound of running water. Hmmm....that shouldn't be... We looked down and notice the drain plug is spewing water just like a garden hose. ???
Momentary panic! I play the little Dutch boy, with my finger in the dike while my wife gets a flashlight to look at the manual.  (MANUAL! I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' MANUAL!)
I find that we should have closed the drain valve first. :o They leave it open in case the spa sits through the winter. Fortunately, no damage was done and the tub completed filling in no time.

Don't like that story? Give me time. I'm sure I'll come up with an even better stupid thing before too long!

Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2005, 10:12:42 pm »
In defense of myself after Chris brought up my Halloween tale in conjunction with Drewski's and drewstar's, I thought I had better re-post the story so that everyone would understand that Chris meant the "Naked" part relating....Not the "intimate with the suction" part! ;) ;D

This topic has enticed me to share a story that I may be sorry for but I can’t help myself.

Many years ago I lived in a duplex and had an old HS Classic in the backyard. These places where less then 20ft apart and had little to no privacy so a “birthday suit” was not an option most of the time.

This particular night it was about midnight, I had used the spa earlier in the day and hung my wet swimsuit out the backdoor on a nail, I wanted to get in the spa yet had no desire to put on a wet, cold suit so I reasoned that everyone would be in bed anyway so in the nude I went. The soak went well but as I got out and started to close the cover the little old lady behind me turned on here floodlight and put me on “runway display”.

Now before I go any further you need a mental image; I was a competitive weightlifter and boxer with a long curly mop of hair and am covered in hair from head to toe. Needless to say I looked like a “Neanderthal” with all of that hair plastered to me!

I turned to run into the house and slipped and fell, trying to regain balance and run at the same time I found myself running on all fours!   :-X

Thirty minuets later the local police knocked on my door and basically fell into one another laughing when I answered the door in a towel. Amidst their laughing and chuckling they were able to explain that they had a call from a hysterical woman sobbing that there was a “Werewolf” running loose!  They said they didn’t know whether to send Animal control or police at that point. Believe me, for the next year in our little town, our local police had a lot of fun with me on that one! :-[

Sorry if I’ve traumatized any of you with this story but hey, it is Halloween!  ;D ;D  8)

Please don't confuse Drewski with Drewstar in this topic!!! :o ;)

drewstar buddy, You’re a sick man! ;D ;D ;D 8)


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2005, 11:05:08 pm »
as far as chems.......water.......or anything else with your hot tubs??

You all are gonna love this one...I don't bath nude until evening when it's dark outside otherwise the neighbor kids get a show) LOL

Backpains, I thought we talked about this long ago, those kids have been calling for the last 6 weeks telling us what's been going on over there.  I told you to use a bathrobe! ;D ;D ;D


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2005, 12:22:28 am »
NOPE, sorry! It was me... LORD, I have to embareass myself yet once again.... Click here for a good laugh.



After reading that tonight I laughed just as hard as I did the first time I read it. IN fact I printed it, Thanks.


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2005, 09:08:13 am »

Please don't confuse Drewski with Drewstar in this topic!!! :o ;)

drewstar buddy, You’re a sick man! ;D ;D ;D 8)

Oh come on!  We've all done it. whether you admit it, or not.

(cue Austin Powers voice) I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby.    ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2005, 10:14:14 am »
Backpains, I thought we talked about this long ago, those kids have been calling for the last 6 weeks telling us what's been going on over there.  I told you to use a bathrobe! ;D ;D ;D

JD Let me tell ya..last night I and hubby were doing our nightly soak. Both of us knew that the kids were gone for the week so..I conned him into going nude, he informed me when we got out (btw the soak was a great one! If you get my meaning  ;)  ;D :o or maybe you don't want that mental image!) hubby informed me that he WOULD have a bath robe by this winter LOLOLOL


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2005, 11:08:36 am »
Buying a thermalpane hottub!    Doh!

Kidding.  :)

But something stupid when down last week.  We've been going through a long heatwave,  averaging 109 every day for the last 3 weeks.    Needless to say, sitting in the spa just ain't as fun as it used to be,  damm water gets so hot,  I decided to leave the cover open one day and maybe get it to cool off some.  
Got home from work and saw that my plastic/rubber pieces (skimmer, neckpads) had all blistered to some degree from the heat.  
Live and learn.
I have since drained my spa and will wait till heat wave is over to refill.   Heck, my swimming pool's temp is almost 100.  


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2005, 07:51:51 pm »
The first time I turned on my NEW tub I noticed a few seats weren't working. I got frantic about this POS that I just bought ... should have bought a Sundance or Hot Springs ... my dealer BETTER get here ASAP ... you name it.

My youngest (10 YO)  turned off the jets, he likes the feel of one jet with all the flow going to it. THANKFULLY I didn't call the dealer.

And Drewski, I'm still thinking on where I want to hide that key just in case I do get locked out!


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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2005, 11:59:29 am »
OMG Vinny that reminds me of one again....The day my dealer brought our coleman over, after they had set the tub right where it needed to be at and hubby was busily getting the wiring hooked up....my dealer told me I want you to get in the tub and turn the jets on for me...so I get in the tub and not paying attention to what he's telling my hubby about the jets coming off. Well I did my job got the jets on...and got out of the tub. We started filling the tub and it was totally full in like 1 hour tops. We were standing there thinking gee why is that jet floating and low and behold I turned the jet in the therapy seat too far and waaa laaa it floated right out! I felt so embarrased that he had to show ME how the jets are suppose to go in.

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Re: What is the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done..
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2005, 11:59:29 am »


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