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Chas' law is basically everyone should change their water after the first month of ownership. I tend to thing that most people, even though learning quickly, tend to "overmedicate" at least at first.
Well a couple of possibilities seem to present themselves. First, the heavy load of guests could indicate residual detergent from their swim suits. So in the future - no swim suits! Just kidding.Second, you could have low calcium hardness which would give you foam especially if combined with the other variables. Third, no matter what, I would dump and re-fill were it my tub.Good luck.Bill
SORRY Vin, but your problem is probably NOT detergent.Straight up, like me you have a "high" user load. Most of your problem is probably coming from people's skin oils and hair products.First, don't sweat it. It's an easy fix. BUT, a water change is probably a good idea, just to get things started right.With your user load, you need to wash the filters once per week. Your biggest problem is suspended stuff in the water that's not coming out. You can have perfect chemistry, but unless it's filtered out, it stays in.So, here's my suggestion. First, start with clean water. Balance the calcium and Ph. Add dichlor to bring up your levels.BEFORE people come over, shock. This will bring up your available chlorine. Remember, as with your pool, when the top's off, the sun burns chlorine. Don't shock early in the morning, leave the cover off all day and then get people in the tub.After the tub is used, LIGHTLY shock again. Also, add a polymer based "clarifying agent" (usually the blue stuff), about 2 caps for a tub your size. Let the tub run for one cycle, then stand open for about 30 minutes.This regime should work for you. The problem you are having is one of "equilibrium," where the water chemistry suddenly gets tasked beyond its limits and you wake up with "bad" water.Remember, pulling and cleaning the filters weekly, even if they don't "look" dirty, is the key. The polymer will cause everything suspended in the water to "clump" and filter out. Unless the filters stay clean, the water simply goes through the by-passes on the bottom of your tub.Good Luck bro, post questions if you have them…Drewski
Great post ! Hey Drewski are just rinsing your filters or do you some kinda cleaner? I rinsed mine a few days ago and its very hard to get all the pleats is there a better way? Thanks!Gary
Thanks Gary!I'd recommend this product available at most Home Depot stores:It's better than the Lowes stuff in that it creates NO foam after the filters are re-installed. It also cleans the heck out of them. I spray, then hose. Some people soak overnight and then hose. I'm just too impatient.