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Author Topic: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??  (Read 4453 times)


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OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« on: July 16, 2005, 05:10:45 pm »
Well, we left at 10:00 this morning and just got home at 5:00pm.  We went to Dimension, Jacuzzi, and Sundance.  We wet test the D-Lotus Bay.  Um...it was nice, but I seemed to float out of every seat.  Could be that I wasn't letting myself relax (trying not to get the hair wet).  I did like the neck jets!!  Gave us a price of $9100 which is pretty much all the bells & whistles.  The Jacuzzi dealer sale both Dimension and Jacuzzi.  He didn't have any Jacuzzi's to wet test.  We will go back in a couple of day to wet test the J-385.  I believe he gave us a price of $8300 for all the bells & whistles on that one.  Stereo, cover, install, steps, etc.

From there we went to Sundance.  I love the Optima!!  She said she would sell us the 2004 floor model for $8000....stereo, cover, install, steps, etc.  Not sure we want a floor model.  New price is $11 something.  I loved the foot well with the jet mound.  Awesome!!  Can't get it in a tub with a lounge.  We like the idea of a lounge, so we're interested in the Cameo.  She gave us a price of $9889.  We can get the Altamar for $8500.

So that's where we are.  Give me some input on what I shared.  How is the pricing?  Remember, I'm in Orlando, Fl, so if anyone knows of another dealer near by that might beat those prices....we're game!

2005 Marquis Epic

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OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« on: July 16, 2005, 05:10:45 pm »


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2005, 05:19:54 pm »
its fun shopping for a tub! Well I bought a 2005 Marquis Epic for under 9 thousand ;D it was a toss up between the Sundance and the Marquis price and warranty and service and the Marquis dealer gave me the names of over 50 coustomers that bought from in in the last 12 years that I called a bunch of them and most sang praise of the dealer for after purchase care.


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2005, 05:26:02 pm »
We want to look at the Marquis...just ran out of time.  Did you get a stereo for that amount?
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 06:25:46 pm »
I bought My floor model tub about 11 years ago and if I could save enough money I would do it again . Of course my tub still works great so no need to buy a new one yet. So if the savings are great enough and it's the tub you want I would go ahead and buy the floor model.

Good luck


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 07:22:51 pm »
For what its worth, a floor model worked out well for me. Same warranty and the dealer stood/stands by it. Have heard about lots of satisfied Optima owners.
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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 08:35:53 pm »
We want to look at the Marquis...just ran out of time.  Did you get a stereo for that amount?

yes I got the stereo with the price as well half as much as Sundance. it just I think both are great but If I can not spend and extra two grand so I had to go with the lesser priced one. and am waiting for delivery and set up have to fininish my pad I broke my hand geting it ready so when I can finish it my dealer will deliver.


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 09:57:46 pm »
Well, we left at 10:00 this morning and just got home at 5:00pm.  We went to Dimension, Jacuzzi, and Sundance.  We wet test the D-Lotus Bay.  Um...it was nice, but I seemed to float out of every seat.  Could be that I wasn't letting myself relax (trying not to get the hair wet).  I did like the neck jets!!  Gave us a price of $9100 which is pretty much all the bells & whistles.  The Jacuzzi dealer sale both Dimension and Jacuzzi.  He didn't have any Jacuzzi's to wet test.  We will go back in a couple of day to wet test the J-385.  I believe he gave us a price of $8300 for all the bells & whistles on that one.  Stereo, cover, install, steps, etc.

From there we went to Sundance.  I love the Optima!!  She said she would sell us the 2004 floor model for $8000....stereo, cover, install, steps, etc.  Not sure we want a floor model.  New price is $11 something.  I loved the foot well with the jet mound.  Awesome!!  Can't get it in a tub with a lounge.  We like the idea of a lounge, so we're interested in the Cameo.  She gave us a price of $9889.  We can get the Altamar for $8500.

So that's where we are.  Give me some input on what I shared.  How is the pricing?  Remember, I'm in Orlando, Fl, so if anyone knows of another dealer near by that might beat those prices....we're game!

The footwell the Optima has is in the Maxxus also. The Maxxus also has a great lounger.


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2005, 08:21:51 am »
Your prices on the Cameo and Altamar are in line with the quotes that I received.  If you are interested in those 2 models you will definitely need to test them because the loungers are not the same size.


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2005, 11:41:12 am »
I love the Lotus Bay. Great tub. What did you think of the sequencer? That is a good price too.

Sounds like you need a second wet test, tie up the hair or say "to hell with it" and let it get wet.
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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2005, 06:35:38 pm »
We're suppose to wet test the J-385 sometime this week.  Salesman had to get it in and setup.  We'll wet test the Lotus Bay again....thanks, hottubman!  So, the price of $9100 is inline?  What about the $9889 for the SD Cameo?

Is the J-385 a comparable tub to the Lotus Bay and Cameo?  Am I comparing apples to apples?

Here's what we want:

Lounger w/carpal tunnel therapy or seat with it
Deep tissue massage
Seating for at least 6 adults
Would like to spend about $8500-9500
Barrier free seating
Large foot well

We were told Jacuzzi uses a marine stereo system?  What does that mean?  Give me pros/cons on Jacuzzi.  I believe these have the ABS bottom.  Is that good?

On Jacuzzi these are the prices we were given.  All include stereo:

J-385     $8395
J-375     $7895
J-355     $6995

Are these prices in line?
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2005, 07:44:01 pm »
I have a lounger with carpal tunnel jets.  While I don't have the condition, I've been told hot water and just about any jet action will be beneficial.  I personally don't think I would let that feature determine my choice of tub. I know you have been sharing lots of good research with us and I would just suggest you not put too much emphasis on this one feature.

The barrier free seating is definitely a good feature for us as well.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2005, 07:45:46 pm by wmccall »
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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2005, 08:50:51 pm »
wmccall is right, don't focus on the carpal tunnel wrist jets.  I tested a Jacuzzi brand with them, they hit me, personally, on the middle of my palms.  Not much good for carpal tunnel syndrome (which I have).  I use other jets for the therapy, no problem.

I hate to say it, but I floated out of the seats in the Jacuzzi brand.  I don't think it would have mattered, I found myself trying to fight to stay in the seats.  Not very relaxing!  You may have a different experience with the 2nd wet test.  I didn't have D-1 close enough to test, so I have no experience with that brand!

Be patient.  You will find your tub!

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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2005, 09:42:15 pm »
You might want to look into the Marquis Epic.  It's a really nice spa.  We have had ours for 2 months now and it has been great.

Regarding what you are looking for

Lounger w/carpal tunnel therapy or seat with it -
The lounger has foot, calf and thigh jets, no wrist jets

Deep tissue massage - Oh yes! definitely!

Seating for at least 6 adults - Six adults, no problem.

Would like to spend about $8500-9500 - not sure about the US price, should be in this range.

Barrier free seating - all seats are different heights

Large foot well - probably the largest of all the tubs.

Waterfall - yes and if you remove the waterfall chamber (it's mounted over the filters) the pipe that feeds it will shoot the water up to 10 feet in the air.  the kids love it.

Stereo - the only option available in the tub is speakers built into the shell, must be ordered with the tub.  it comes with 100 or 200 feet of wire to connect to your stereo.

Lighting - two multi coloured LED lights standard.

After a lot of searching, researching and wet testing, we ordered this one on the spot after our first wet test.  My husband said that I had final choice on what we were getting (apparently he always gets things his way), and this was the one for me.  It turned out to be his first choice too.  I chose the silver swirl, It's mostly white with a touch of silver.  Should look good with the snow around it.  Good luck and keep wet testing.


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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2005, 02:06:20 am »
hey same one I bought. the epic is the best I ever wet tested. and I have to say beats most spas in price by 2 grand. Mine is now siting in my dealer wearhouse till my hand heals so I can pour my cement pad and finish the elec wiring.

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Re: OMG!!!  Which tub to choose??
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2005, 02:06:20 am »


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