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Author Topic: service after the sale  (Read 2551 times)


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service after the sale
« on: July 15, 2005, 06:15:15 pm »
Just curious as to how new spa owners deal with slow service right after the spa is paid for?

My problem is that as the techs were setting up my spa, they said the prongs on the ozonator needed to be different for the hookup.  The salesman said they would be back with the correct hookup tabs, that were apparantly a simple part.  It has been 2 days and no return.

I imagine I will get quite a few, "If you bought product "x" you would have the ozonator hooked up already, but want to know how others have put the heat on to hurry things up if it is possible.

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service after the sale
« on: July 15, 2005, 06:15:15 pm »


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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 06:34:10 pm »
First, call the dealer and politely explain that you somehow expected it to have been accomplished by now and how you could get this small problem corrected.  They seem t have given it a low priority when this is the best time to "impress" a new customer by getting the job done as quickly as possible.

Not to blow my horn, but we just delivered a spa yesterday, the electrician is there today, wired up and ready, he fired it up and something went "POP".  Well that's scarry in the first place, but my service tech was on it.  His day was already over, but he had nothing to do but go home for the day but, within 45 minutes of the electricians call at 5PM on a Friday night, my tech was there and it turned out to be a 30 amp buss fuse.  Simple problem, simple fix, one happy customer.  Sometimes things work out right.   ;) ;D

They seem to think that you spa is operational, it is just your ozone that dosen't work.  That is still a good reason to get the problem fixed immediately.


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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 06:36:59 pm »
I would call to politely ask when you might expect them to return. If you don't feel up to doing so you could take the passive-agressive approach of calling at a time when you know they'll be out and leave a message (that's my wife's tactic whereas I show up at the counter in person). I wouldn't be too upset yet but you don't want them to forget you either. Whatever apporach you take do so with a smile as a firm yet polite manner usually gets attention.
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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2005, 07:02:12 pm »
good advice all around, and thank goodness I stumbled on this site as it has been great.

It probably should be mentioned that the electrician originally wasn't due to show up until tomorrow and he pushed him to come earlier and blow off other apointments, so in reality I should have not even been in my tub yet anyway.

He also asked if they could take care of the final hookups the day after as our famous afternoon thunderstorms were on their way.  my impatience made him come and work 2 hours in the pouring rain hooking up the cover lift and other things, finally finishing after dark, and opening the store again in the morning.

This guy really deserves praise and I will refer friends to him as long as the ozonator gets hooked up in a reasonable time.


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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 12:27:33 am »
You kind of left that info out in your original post. ;)
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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 08:53:30 am »
It probably should be mentioned......

the electrician originally wasn't due to show up until tomorrow......

he pushed him to come earlier and blow off other apointments....

He asked if they could take care of the final hookups the day after as our famous afternoon thunderstorms were on their way...... 

my impatience made him come and work 2 hours in the pouring rain.....

hooking up the cover lift and other things.....

finally finishing after dark.....

and opening the store again in the morning.....

This guy really deserves praise.....

I will refer friends to him as long.....

as the ozonator gets hooked up in a reasonable time.

WOW, if this isn't service, I don't know what is.  What would he have to do to be recognized for going to the such extremes to please and satisfy you?   :o :-/

Well, at least he will get referrals, as long as..........


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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 03:33:35 pm »
I gotta give the jacuzzi guy in Orlando much props.  As i was figuring out how to approach the delay in my ozonator from my work computer, he was on my porch puttin in my ozonator.

I have got to be one of the hardest people to deal with when things aren't happening right when I want them, thus the baby avatar.   This guy went above and beyond and even encouraged me to try all the competitors, may whom he has worked for.  

As much as this may seem as a plug, it would have been a gripe session had he not come through.

Overall, the buying process was made much more complicated than it needed to be by my confusin and nervousness for such a large purchase.  I thank heavens I wound up in the tub I did.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 04:45:57 pm by orlandoguy »

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Re: service after the sale
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 03:33:35 pm »


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