Hi All:
In the "Where did all my chlorine go?" thread, another member posted the following:
A while back I was wondering if I changed or even partially changed out the water before the 4 months can I keep using the N2 cartriidge. This is what the N2 folks said:
"You will need to replace the Nature 2 whenever the water is drained and refilled. This is because you loose a good percentage of the silver ions when you drain the spa, and there is not enough in a depleted cartridge to bring it back up to the proper level. So you will need to change the Nature 2 cartridge."
I moved this quote to a new thread because my discussion will be off-topic of his original post.
OK, straight up, this is the first I've heard of this. My usual routine involves removing and adding water weekly (6 people in the tub displace more water than 2), so it wouldn't be unusual for me to add 100 gallons to a 500 gallon spa on a weekly basis.
I kinda understand N2's answer, it makes sense that the concentration of silver ions would need to hit a certain level to be effective and that adding water would reduce this. Unfortunately, I never considered this before now, which means I've been maintaining on just Chlorine and Ozone. Guess that N2 cartridge is now worthless huh?
Anyone else out there end up removing and adding water regularly?
Thoughts on this issue with N2? Consider going to the "pool" size?