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Typically with boot sector failures you can put the drive in as a second drive somewhere else and copy the data off. I would assume they tried that. Datac recovery places to charge about that much or more.
 If it's a boot sector failure you should be able to pull data off it as a second disk.  If that's not the case you have a controller error/failure or a head failure/crash.  If the BIOS detects it, you may be able to use SpinRite and recover data.  I've had decent luck with it.http://www.grc.com/spinrite.htm  $700 seems fair.  The last time I had to use a recovery service like that it cost $1000 for a 60GB laptop hard disk.  They were able to recover everything.  I've heard of some ghetto hackers being able to recover data in situations like these by placing the drive in a ziplock bag then putting it in the freezer over night.  Hook it up while its still cold, pull the data off it, then put it in the garbage. Also, sometimes you can get the disk to read if you place it upside down before powering it on.  Regardless, the best thing to do is not use it until you have a recovery plan in place.  You'll have to decide if the value of the data is worth ghetto or pro.  I'm not responsible either way!
The BIOS doesn't recognize the drive. Â I still can't read off it either with my new drive working correctly. When it's set as a slave drive I get an error that the disk is bad and then it goes through a check disk routine.
Gomboman I would suggest you get your self a good external hardrive and firewire it to your PC and do mirror image backups.  This makes a mirror image (aka duplicate copy)of your main hard drive.Curious?  What was our OS on th old drive?  Was it an original version or a  upgrade to that OS?