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Author Topic: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!)  (Read 4127 times)


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Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!)
« on: July 07, 2005, 02:23:34 pm »
I think we are going to buy an Artesian Onyx within the next few days. First I wanted to ask you guys what you think. It is a 2004 floor model and we'll be paying $6600+tax. That includes cover lift, LED light, ozonator and delivery. They gave us an extra $200 off because the cabinet (which is redwood) is a little banged up on one side and we plan on sinking it in the deck anyway. We wet tested last night and liked it. Especially foot jets and the depth of the tub since we are a tall family.

Ok, here come the questions.. Does this seem like a good deal?
does anyone have this tub/brand and have comments about it? I've read something about cd/vs. non cd ozonator can someone tell me what that's about ? I don't quite get it.

Also, is there any reason it would necessarily be a bad idea to get a floor model? Are there big differences between the 2004 and 2005s that anyone knows of?

The only possible reservation about the tub it self we have is the neck jets seemed to be in an odd place or we couldn't feel them too well. Is there a specific tub that does well on the neck and the feet that anyone knows of? That's something my husband was asking.

sorry so long, I just needed to be reassured (talked out of ) this so we can take the next step..

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Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!)
« on: July 07, 2005, 02:23:34 pm »


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2005, 02:41:17 pm »
That is a very good price, IMO. I paid about that for the Grand Cayman which is in the Island series that Artesian offers. I believe the Onyx is in Artesian's Gold Class.

As far as the differences in 2004 vs 2005 - the only difference I know of is the 2005 has a bigger circulation pump - it's a huge 48 frame pump, but I believe it's still 11 GPM. And if you were opting for the multiple lights - their LED's now, but the single one is the same.

You only get the CD ozonator with Artesian's upgraded ozone system - it matters only if you believe it will work better. I have the UV type and my dealer has me running it only 8 hours a day.

The only Artesian tubs that have "true" neck jets are the Island series. They have a neck collar in some of their seats and the jets are much higher than the rest of the jets - After living with them for about 2 weeks - their nice to have but personally I can't sit in the seat and get a back message and neck message at the same time, but that's me - someone else might not have that complaint.

I have only had this tub for 2 weeks but it's nice! The Gold and Platinum series have larger jets on them so the feel would be different but my tub is powerful when you want it to be and can be gentle too. There are a few people who have Artesians and we all seem to like them.


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2005, 02:41:33 pm »
I can’t comment on the brand your looking at.

A floor model can be a good buy. It should come with full factory warranty; you need to make sure of this.

A floor model could have been wet or dry. If it had water in it, and I think it did because you wet tested it, then you may want new filters with the deal.

The best advice I can offer is to take your time. Let the shopping for the tub be fun.

There are many great tubs out there and you should compare a couple of brands/models.

Once you buy a tub you will have it for a long time so make sure it’s the one YOU LOVE BEST! ;)


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2005, 03:08:38 pm »
We have tested 2 others (coleman and beachcomber) and we like this one the best especially for the price. We had thought about the filter thing, and i think now that we will ask for new ones.

Vinny, You were one of the people i had been reading that made me seek out this brand because it seems as though you've done your research. i know we should take our time and I know I should try and be patient but I want one NOW! Did that sound bratty?

We may go test an arctic kodiak this weekend and see if we can get a good enough price to consider that one.

What are the different attributes of the 2 ozonators? Is it true that the cd one is and upgrade or just a difference?

Thanks for your replies.



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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2005, 03:11:40 pm »


This is similar to my tub and I paid around that amount 2 years ago.  As for this particular tub, I know a couple of happy Artestian owners.  I can't say specifically, but your not getting ripped off in price.  

My Dynasty model, which is similar was also a floor model, and I have had very few problems with it.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 03:14:34 pm by wmccall »
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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2005, 03:17:00 pm »
They both produce ozone. One does so using a U.V  light. The other by using a corona discharge method.

The Cd method is newer.  Does that equal better?  Well, maybe. I'm told by some that it produces more ozone for less money.

I am led to belive that the UV bulbs will need to be replaced more often and can cost about $100 a pop.

I'm told the Cd unit should last several years and can be swapped out for aprx  $200.  

That being said,  I am also told single most important feature of an OZinator regardelss if it's CD or UV,  is ithat it should be running off of a 24 hour circ system.

This probably dones't help you....and  is probabaly just contributing to your confusion.   Sorry. But maybe it's fodder for the pros to argue about  ::)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 03:18:13 pm by drewstar »
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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2005, 03:30:39 pm »
They both produce ozone. One does so using a U.V  light. The other by using a corona discharge method.

The Cd method is newer.  Does that equal better?  Well, maybe. I'm told by some that it produces more ozone for less money.

I am led to belive that the UV bulbs will need to be replaced more often and can cost about $100 a pop.

I'm told the Cd unit should last several years and can be swapped out for aprx  $200.  

That being said,  I am also told single most important feature of an OZinator regardelss if it's CD or UV,  is ithat it should be running off of a 24 hour circ system.

This probably dones't help you....and  is probabaly just contributing to your confusion.   Sorry. But maybe it's fodder for the pros to argue about  ::)

When researching this when I bought, I came across this site.

It doesn't apply specifically to spas, but it has a lot of background.
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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2005, 03:44:03 pm »

Thanks everyone,

They did tell me that this does have a 24 hr circ pump so I guess that's a good thing.

This tub has 40 jets which is less than others we've looked at. I think though that there are more swivel jets and that they all seem a little bigger than average.

Oh, and something else I remembered I wanted to ask. If my husband is handy (which he is, very) can he hook up the tub or should we get a professional? What is a ballpark for hiring someone to hook up the electrical?

Thanks again,



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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2005, 03:49:44 pm »
I'd go with a licensed electrician.  Just not worth it to try and save a few bucks here. If he makes a mistake and fries the electronics you're screwed, or worse  :o

If he's handy, perhaps he can run the wires and set install the sub panel, to save some bucks, and have an electrician friend check it all out and make the final connections? (probably illegal.)

I had my original tub wired from the breaker panel inside the house through the wall and outside for about $350. That price included buying an outdoor sub panel  (used tub I needed to supply my own). He also ran a 110v outdoor outlet at the same time. I thought this was a fair price.

Recently, with my new tub, he replaced the older outdoor breaker box for the new style supplied by the manufacturr and had to run a new leanght of wire in seal tite (12 feet) and connect it to the new tub. Took him 3 hours. Cost me 200 bucks.    Eh....I wasn't too happy with that price....but I aint complaining either.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 03:57:08 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2005, 03:54:34 pm »
The CD ozonator can (will) produce more ozone. This is good and bad. Good - if it gets absorbed into the water it MAY help keep the tub's water cleaner as it oxidizes crud in the water. Bad - If it doesn't get absorbed in the water it wil off gas into the tub, possibly destroying the cover and headrests.

If you read posts about ozone - some say it works, some question it. As I said, I have my ozone running 8 hours a day. I discussed this with the dealer who is under the impression (whether right or wrong) that ozone isn't the great thing it 's presented as. Artesian is the only manufacturer that I know of that has the option when you have the circulation pump to be able to control the amount of time the ozonator runs. This is kind of like having no circulation pump and having the main pump kick on for filtering and the ozonator coming on with it.


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2005, 03:59:39 pm »
We were going to buy an Aretisian Emerald but received a better deal on the Optima.  You should have no worries about having an Artesian.

As far as the type of Cd unit.  It really shouldn't matter.

You should be able to find an approx average life for the UV type.  

The electrical one is more than likely a pice of tungsten wire mounted in some sort of  "U channel".  Copiers have been using Cd units for years.


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Re: Last minute advice (about to take the plunge!!
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2005, 03:59:39 pm »


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