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J._McD,I truly believe you along with a lot of people on this board are EXCELLENT dealers. I have said this before - I do wish that most of you had your dealerships close by when I was looking for a tub.I believe that my dealer is an OK dealer, maybe just a little under experienced. It also can be a personal pride thing (or paranoia) with me - I am extremely serious about my water quality and her way just might work but it is a little too "unscientific" for me. I am into the total water balance way of doing things.As far as generic, as I alluded to before - not everything can be generic, but a newbie may not know this or maybe it's not worth the trouble to find generic. I was amazed when I walked into Walmart and looked at their spa chlorine (HTH) and it was calcium hypochlorite, not sodium dichlor. But if a consumer comes across a sale of pool bromine pucks or sodium dichlor AND it's the same as a spa's - then they can use it. The brand she sells is Spa Essentials and I'm talking about a product called "Spa Shock Extra". At $23 a pop, I truly believe it's too expensive. If it was $15 for it, I would most certainly buy from her. But as I said in another thread a while back - Doc has an excellent forum and I have gotten excellent advice there as well - so I feel I must buy from him too. I feel I am an extremely loyal customer whenever I choose a contractor or dealer as long as I get treated correctly!Please don't take me saying what I'm saying as pooh-poohing your experience off - It is invaluable!Vinny