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Author Topic: Arctic Fox Prices?  (Read 17854 times)


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Re: Arctic Fox Prices?
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2005, 01:37:18 am »
Though I am completely out of my area of expertise, I can tell you fletch that the 4 spas imaged, were vastly different in detections at various points of the spa. The details were precise and clearly showed areas in which I believe would prove to be weak spots on most spas. As I’m not familiar with the variations of tools used to test this or the improvements made to them over the years, but I can tell you how clear these pictures showed the inferior areas around the cabinets and seams of covers of the spas tested. In other words, it wasn’t up for interpretation as the results were clear.

These images were the first I've seen and no, they will not be used as a sales tool by myself or any of my dealers. It was brought in and tested by a 3rd party to prove a point and the results were displayed at a national sales meeting recently. It was very interesting to see these spas in a side by side test showing varying degrees of heat loss at different areas.

And no, I will not be displaying those images here or anywhere else. ;)


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Arctic Fox Prices?
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2005, 01:37:18 am »


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Re: Arctic Fox Prices?
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2005, 05:48:01 am »
My Brother in law works for Minnesota Power in there residential improvment department and travels around creating vacuums in people houses just for the purpose of thermal imaging inside. This will help the home owner make improvments in effieciency. We did thermal imaging on my tub all during my modification process. It was very noticable and acurate enough to tell where heat loss was and the reduction or elimination of said after a modification. But you are going to see heat loss on all brands the wider the differentiation between outside ambient and tub temp gets, the more heat loss that will show.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Arctic Fox Prices?
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2005, 05:48:01 am »


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