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Author Topic: Phoenix in July  (Read 2735 times)


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Phoenix in July
« on: June 29, 2005, 03:54:00 pm »
Tips for tubbin' in AZ?
How to keep the heat out?
What , exactly, is "par-boiled?"
Favorite vegetables?
How does extreme heat effect chemicals?
Any info from AZ owners would be appreciated!
Recipes for missionary soup?

Hot Tub Forum

Phoenix in July
« on: June 29, 2005, 03:54:00 pm »


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Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 04:02:10 pm »
I just moved from there and the two things I found to work were to reduce the filteration cycles if possible, and place a tennis ball under each corner of the cover elevating it so the heat can escape.For summer use we would freeze 2 or 3 gallon jugs of ice and throw them in the tub while using.Chemicals will be effected if you prop the cover , but it is minimal.What kind of spa did you buy?


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Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 04:19:54 pm »
I have not purchased a tub, yet. Almost got sucked into Thermospa but luckily I signed on Friday and had the weekend and a few days to cancel. Biggest problem with TS was nothing available to wet test or even look at. There are some in Tuscan, but when the guys in your house it doesn't help any.
I told him I might reconsider if he can show me and do a wet test. I was looking at the new Atlantis model. Plus the unit was in Jacksonville FL and would have been shipped back to CT for a different shell and quality ck, A lot of time on the road.
Will be checking out Sundance this wkend and Hot Springs next week. I have ck'd Jacuzzi, but not wet tested yet. Looked at D1, not impressed.
The advantage of Phoenix is there are a lot of dealers here with showrooms. I think one is opening about a block from my house, will ck that out when it opens!
It seems a lot of people on this forum are from colder climates. I'm looking for people from the SW with experience with the heat. Working in the semiconductor industry I am familiar with Chillers, Has anyone ever connected a chiller to a spa to keep the water cold? Just an idea or "brain fart" as we call them here!
Would appreciate any feedback from the dry heat sector!


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Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 04:26:01 pm »
After all the discussion recently on the warranties and repairs and modifications, I'd bet that putting a chiller (it's a very good idea, though!) would be looked upon as a modification that would have un-designed consequences, and anything that went wrong, from leaks (temperature changes?) to electronics (temperatures changes?  :)  ) to cracks (guess what...) would have an easy place to point a finger at.  (Whether or not the choller/cool water actually did do anything, of course.)

I do wish there was a high end spa that had a cooler/cooling option so that you could easy keep the water at, say, 85 or 90, when it's 95-100 outside.


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Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 04:28:14 pm »
After all the discussion recently on the warranties and repairs and modifications, I'd bet that putting a chiller (it's a very good idea, though!) would be looked upon as a modification that would have un-designed consequences, and anything that went wrong, from leaks (temperature changes?) to electronics (temperatures changes?  :)  ) to cracks (guess what...) would have an easy place to point a finger at.  (Whether or not the choller/cool water actually did do anything, of course.)

I do wish there was a high end spa that had a cooler/cooling option so that you could easy keep the water at, say, 85 or 90, when it's 95-100 outside.

It's called an above ground pool.  about $3500 installed.  
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Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2005, 04:54:26 pm »
Er, huh?  I thought AGPs were (by definition) large enough to dive in and swim laps in.  Are there ones similar to spas in size?  (I know zilch obviously about the pool market.)

My point sort of is:  If the pool is that large, and sometimes you do want it like a spa, what would it take to heat it to 100 degrees?!  A 100KW heater?

I can see the power meter flying off the wall now...  ;D

Now, if they do make small ones, hm...

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Phoenix in July
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2005, 04:54:26 pm »


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