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Author Topic: Shopping Consumers ONLY  (Read 7774 times)


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2005, 02:24:48 pm »
It happens to all of us ts some time or another.(me more than most.I work in the spa industry,industry NOT the spa I-N-D-U-S-T-Y

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« Reply #10 on: Jun 12th, 2005, 7:51pm »       Quote Quote Modify Modify
on Jun 12th, 2005, 4:16pm, Rachel wrote:

I agree, we didn't save $4,000.  I'm sure it was a mark up like any retail does.  The tub was in our budget, we looked at a couple of others around the same price and felt for what we could afford to spend this one was the best. It's not a floor model or used.   I will come back once we have it installed and running and let you know how I like it.  I personally would have spent a lot more for the mercedes because I'm the "spender" but my husband is the conservative one that makes the $$ decisions.   I'm just the stay at home Mom ....hahaha.....

I believe what others are trying to say is, that tub never ever sold for $8,000 and if you believe they marked it down to $4,000, as you say, "I'm sure it was a mark up like any retail does.", don't be so sure, the Hot Tub industy does NOT have mark ups anything close to what you imply.  To indicate so, is to imply to other new shoppers that they should be able to get a $9,000 tub for $4,500 or a $12,000 tub for $6,000.  You need to go shopping with your husband just one day and check this industry out.  ;D

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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2005, 02:24:48 pm »


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2005, 03:48:22 pm »
You are absolutely right spaman that is why we are all here, to back each other up.  None of us are right ALL the time.  The English language, or more appropriately, the American language is very difficult to follow.  It is so filled with slang, abbreviations, accents, interpretations, along with what we all do occasionally, misspellings, I seen that a lot. ;D

I apologize for misquoting the word you used incorrectly, "woldcard"; I added an "r" because I incorrectly thought you missed a letter and interpreted it as "worldcard, when it was really changing the "o" to an "i" for "wildcard".  

I guess that would be a good representation for a Cal Spa. ;)

Thank you for bringing this to my immediate attention and please, if you will, accept my apologies.

However, I must admit, I really had to read and reread this message to figure it out, but I finally saw the error of my ways. ;D

I am usually always right.  As a matter of fact, I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. ;D

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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2005, 09:38:49 am »
sofa king we todd did..... still laughing... ;D ;D ::) thanks pkud.
yu no, we dont hav to pik apart everi wuns gramer and speling, as long as the message gets through. i'd say that for the most part, we all think faster, and better than we type. ;D :o
"Wildcard"  "Wildcard"  "Wildcard" ;)

« Last Edit: June 16, 2005, 09:41:54 am by kent »


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2005, 12:54:53 pm »
i'd say that for the most part, we all think faster, and better than we type. ;D :o

Except me!!!  I recently had to take a typing test!  Results=63 wpm with 98% accuarcy!  Last time I tested (which has been a number of years ago) was 45 wpm!

;)  I guess I improve with age!!!
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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2005, 01:59:30 pm »
Product, Price, Sales Presentation Issues or Styles

I'm not exactly still shopping since I finally made a decision and ordered a week ago but I'd like to chime in on this one.

My decision was actually pretty easy.  Maybe because I'm getting old or maybe I make too much money but the price was not part of my decision at all - I didn't even try to see if I could get a "better price" from the dealer.  At my age, I've decided that when I decide to purchase something, I just go ahead and get exactly what I want - cry once.  Years ago, I would have tried to go the cheap route and I learned that you pay for that in the long run since most of those products just don't last.

I narrowed my search down by the warranty which only left me 3 choices in my area.  Since we wanted a lounger and a specific size, that narrowed it down even more.  The finaly decision maker was which one fits and feels the best.

The sales presentation had absolutely nothing to do with my choice but it did help me to rule out a few.


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2005, 06:14:15 pm »
I just got mine a few weeks ago, first price was a major concern.  Let's face it, this is a luxury item and not a cheap one... so, I had a job ahead of me to sell the wife on it  ;)

Once I settled in on a price, I looked for a tub with the features and quality I was looking for. I found a few and picked one that I wanted for sure.  Unfortunately, the dealer really turned me off - so I went to another dealer and bought a completely different brand.  

I think there are many real quality spas out there, all with very similar features and at roughly the same prices (give or take). I think it comes down to the dealer in the end - one who has been in business for a while, one who doesn't treat you like a jerk and one that you feel will be responsive if you ever need their assistance...

BTW - I think this forum really helped educate me (and continues to do so) about features, brands, water chemistry, foundations ( to keep a spare key outside  ;), etc.   I think it was far more beneficial to have the information that I gained here BEFORE I went into a dealer.

just my 2 cents.


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2005, 10:39:17 pm »
Any experience w/ GREAT LAKES or GARDEN LEISURE spas?  Not a lot of selection where I am.
Many thanks...this is sounding harder than I expected...I'm very naive! ???


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2005, 11:03:42 pm »
Any experience w/ GREAT LAKES or GARDEN LEISURE spas?  Not a lot of selection where I am.
Many thanks...this is sounding harder than I expected...I'm very naive! ???

seashore, "naive" I hardly think, you read several pages back to bring this up.  Already, you are learning.  What else might be in your area, which is where? Have you checked in on some of the web sites mentioned on these pages.  They all have dealer locators, but I would try to keep it in a 50 mile range.  

What did you think of Great Lakes? ???


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Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2005, 01:12:04 pm »
Since I'm asking many questions regarding my spa purchase, I thought I'd give feedback on this question.

Product/Warranty - I want to make sure that the product that I'm considering is quality.  I want to know that there is a good track record for not only the product but the company that builds the product. Warranty must be considered with both product and price.

Price - I want a fair and competitive price.  Being in a midwest city that is not extremely large, we don't have the luxury of a lot of brands, let alone dealers.  As with any type of product, without competition prices tend to be higher.  Understanding that the dealer is in business to make money,  I need to feel that we both got a fair price.  

Sales Presentations or Styles - I have had the opportunity to have presentations from great, good and bad sales people.  Some have been very helpful and know the products while others have tried to hard close without overcoming any type of questions or objections. I can overlook this unless I feel that they are being dishonest - and with the internet, you can verify most of the product capabilities.

But there is one area that was not addressed - Dealer/Service.

Dealer/Service, in my opinion, is very high on my requirements.  I want to deal with a company that focuses on the customer, not a company that thinks that moving product is more important than the service that they provide after the sale.  I also want to know that the dealer will be there if/when I call for a warranty issue one year/three years down the road.

The perfect spa hunt, for me, has been a real eye-opener!  Before I started looking, I had no idea that there are so many brands, so many options and the huge price range within those brands - Hence the name Info overload!

I want to thank everyone again for all of the great information that you have provided to help me make a decision on a new spa!  I feel that I'm getting close to spatopia!!!!!!!!  : )

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Shopping Consumers ONLY
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2005, 01:12:04 pm »


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