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Author Topic: How Jim started H***n.  (Read 8031 times)


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How Jim started H***n.
« on: October 03, 2006, 06:20:56 pm »


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 09:32:48 am »
I don't know why, but every time I read the title of this thread, the theme song from the TV show "The Beverly Hillbillies" runs thru my head.



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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2006, 10:46:19 am »
The funny thing about that home-made spa/kiddy pool is that the man who built it is absolutely thrilled with the way it works for him.

I could have given him a few simple pointers -things like recommendations on how many horsepower per jet so that they work well, how to choose jets that work together vs. jets that don't, how to run jets with air instead of making your own non-aireated return fittings, how to get a few specialty plumbing parts that would have saved a ton of time and given him better flow for the same amount of power, how to buy and install an electric heater which is UL listed and safe - where to mount electrical switching equipment and how to choose same for better safety...

Most of us wouldn't trade our contoured seating for a flat-bottom tub, nor give up the confidence of knowing that what we are soaking in have been inspected and certified by a Nationaly Recognized Testing Laboratory. Most of us wouldn't give up the idea of warranty service.

But as I say - he is thrilled with what he built.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2006, 09:28:34 am »
J kelly's homemade  hot tub is an interesting read.  We spoke about it before in a thread about building your own hot tub and J Kelly actually popped in here to say hi.

The thing to remember with this tub is J Kelly is more of tinkerer, and built the tub more for the fun of it, rather than trying to save a few bucks. I thought it was an interesting project.  ;)
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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 09:44:24 pm »
So what does H***n stand for?? Who's Jim? What do either have to do with my hot tub?

Yes, for me the journey is the destination. Figuring out how to do it and doing it myself is a lot of the enjoyment and is at least as important as the product. I'm sure Chas could have offered useful advice on a lot of topics, but too many instructions ruin the process (I don't paint-by-numbers either). It would have been good to have more information about jets and hp of pumps. I'm confident of the safety of the tub I built. I did go over it with my father-in-law who is a retired UL inspector and he's comfortable with my design/construction.

Approaching two years now and we're still enjoying the tub - both as a hot tub and as a kiddy pool.

J. Kelly McCoy
West Texas
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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2006, 10:25:29 pm »
So what does H***n stand for?? Who's Jim? What do either have to do with my hot tub?

Long story, not one I am willing to get into.


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2006, 10:38:38 pm »
So what does H***n stand for?? Who's Jim? What do either have to do with my hot tub?

Long story, not one I am willing to get into.

Cooltoy, you kinda implied an insult to Mr McCoy with the H**ven remark, so perhaps he deserves an explanation.

I grew up with a homemade tub, a beautiful redwood one, and I think there are some fairly elitist attitudes out there when it comes to people building their own thing. It is not rocket science- we're talking about big bowls of hot water, some fancier than others.
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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2006, 10:51:45 pm »
So maybe you should explain it. I have no clue who Mr. McCoy is. So it would be difficult to insult someone I don't know. This attempt at a joke of mine has nothing to do with Mr. McCoy, it's a joke about Jim.


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2006, 11:02:38 am »
This attempt at a joke of mine has nothing to do with Mr. McCoy, it's a joke about Jim.

From my perception, it was at MrMCoy's expense, as you compared him to Jim. Thus, an insult to McCoy, not Jim.
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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2006, 12:07:04 pm »
You are absolutely right.


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2006, 06:09:20 pm »
$1200 to build and only $300 a month to operate and where are the two cute blondes?

Seriously though, I think he did a great job. Many service techs I know could not do that and they are paid spa techs.
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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2006, 01:41:22 am »
Dear Cooltoy2000,

I don't know you either. I do know that it is entirely possible to insult someone you do not know. If you want to share a private joke with Jim you should probably share it privately instead of posting it on an internet forum available to everyone in the world. I understand that I have posted my thoughts on a home-built hot tub in a forum that is also available to anyone, but I hope that people who post comments that refer to my web pages will have the personal integrity to explain their opinions instead of just implying that my project is in some manner inferior. Now that you have entered a post on an open forum that appears to insult my efforts I think that you should be willing to explain yourself. If you want to insult my project and/or my web page...be man enough to do it directly.

I don't hang out on this forum because I honestly find the elitist attitude of many of the posts tiring. I am not the least bit interested in endlessly debating the merits of a 14 degree slope to the seat vs. a 16 degree slope, or is 3.7gpm better than 3.8gpm, or is the finish of brand "X" 10 microns smoother than the finish of brand "Y"...

The best hot tub I ever experienced was in the middle of nowhere SE Idaho, had uneven rock walls and a muddy/sandy bottom.

Thanks anne.

Gary, If you honestly can't find the two cute blondes on my page we're going to go "round and round." I'm real fond of both of them and I will be required to defend their honor.

Kelly McCoy
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 02:00:24 am by jkellymcc »
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What a great Hot tub.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2006, 08:54:12 am »
What I don't understand is why you feel I insulted you. Is it not possible that I was giving you a compliment? All I did is post a link, I did not make a single comment, be it positive or negative.

Jim is a small dealer/manufacturer of what his customers see as safe, quality made hot tubs.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 11:26:27 am by cooltoy2000 »


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Re: How Jim started H***n.
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2006, 11:20:35 am »
Dear Cooltoy2000,

I don't know you either. I do know that it is entirely possible to insult someone you do not know. If you want to share a private joke with Jim you should probably share it privately instead of posting it on an internet forum available to everyone in the world. I understand that I have posted my thoughts on a home-built hot tub in a forum that is also available to anyone, but I hope that people who post comments that refer to my web pages will have the personal integrity to explain their opinions instead of just implying that my project is in some manner inferior. Now that you have entered a post on an open forum that appears to insult my efforts I think that you should be willing to explain yourself. If you want to insult my project and/or my web page...be man enough to do it directly.

I don't hang out on this forum because I honestly find the elitist attitude of many of the posts tiring. I am not the least bit interested in endlessly debating the merits of a 14 degree slope to the seat vs. a 16 degree slope, or is 3.7gpm better than 3.8gpm, or is the finish of brand "X" 10 microns smoother than the finish of brand "Y"...

The best hot tub I ever experienced was in the middle of nowhere SE Idaho, had uneven rock walls and a muddy/sandy bottom.

Thanks anne.

Gary, If you honestly can't find the two cute blondes on my page we're going to go "round and round." I'm real fond of both of them and I will be required to defend their honor.

Kelly McCoy

Try a google search for "Haven Spas" and meet Jim the Jim. Foe of the Local Spa Dealer.


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Re: What a great Hot tub.
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2006, 06:23:28 pm »
What I don't understand is why you feel I insulted you. Is it not possible that I was giving you a compliment? All I did is post a link, I did not make a single comment, be it positive or negative.

Jim is a small dealer/manufacturer of what his customers see as safe, quality made hot tubs.

Mr McCoy has been nothing but gracious about this, and you couldda just apologized, and all would be well. Instead, you skirt around a sensitive issue, backtreading and calling it a complement. It is not secret that Jim is not well regarded here. I have never met him, and do not intend to, but reading at his site makes my blood boil, so I'd be very peeved if someone compared him to me. You probably did not think about the fact that there was a real person with a real life behind the link that you posted, and I think that is one of the sad things about the internet and its ethereal society. I can completely understand that, but it doesn't make it ok.
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Re: What a great Hot tub.
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2006, 06:23:28 pm »


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