We are all so glad to hear of the RELIEF you are experiencing. It leaves all of the anexiety and anguish of shopping and waiting be hind you. And it's there for you monring, noon, and night.

How was that first nights sleep? 
Congratulations on getting into Hot Water, You're gonna love it. 
Jd and everyone else;
Well, my first nights sleep was wonderful I slept all night! which I've never ever done before Now last night I didn't hit the hot tub at 9 like I did the night before and I'm paying for it today, gotta remember if I start hurting, grab my towel and get in my suit and head for the hot tub! I keep forgetting that the hot tub is for my healing needs, and to stop thinking gee am I running up the electric bill? Anyway, I'm relaxing now so all is well in the world. BTW as far as relief first couple of times in the tub, I think it was a 10 to a 6-7 now it's a 10 to a 7 so not bad for my pain to decrease that much, I go to a specialist in pain management sometime next week and I will let you all know how it goes.