I am the recent owner of a 2005 Hot Springs Vanguard Spa. I have had it for about 1 month now (I will be posting a review shortly now that I have been able to enjoy it for a little while).
Anyways, I have been following the protocol for shocking the tub every week, adding chloring every 1-2 days, etc, etc. Everything appears to be in balance such as PH, ALK, chlorine, etc.
However, I am noticing that on the HS Freshwater Ozonator (where the bubbles come up on the spa floor), it appears to be turning a slight brownish color. Is this normal? Can I clean this (if so, how)?? Since it is located on the spa floor & is always submerged in water, what is the best way to do handle this? Hope this makes sense.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.