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Author Topic: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?  (Read 5138 times)


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Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« on: June 24, 2005, 03:35:08 pm »
While it is marketed for house water supplies (but also for pool water), does anyone have any experience with this product?  They advertise it as an alternative to soft water treatments and have a couple studies listed.  Is this thing for real and does it work?  Also, back to more on topic, if it does work, would it be beneficial or determental to spa water (or maybe about the same)?

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Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« on: June 24, 2005, 03:35:08 pm »


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 06:47:17 pm »
Never heard of it, how does it work?


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2005, 09:24:21 pm »
This is an electro-magnet that goes around a pipe. The difference between this and more common magnetic water treatment systems, aside from the price, is that this one creates a moving magnetic field instead of a fixed one. It doesn't really matter since the water goes rushing by anyway..

I have had people try to tell me that they get great results with magnets. Doc sells them, and so do other people who I trust, so I tend to think they must make some sort of noticable difference.  

But you can't put a test strip or a test kit to the water and measure a difference, so I am skeptical.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2005, 10:55:36 pm »
Thanks Chas... I think if I recall what you are talking about, it's like a clamp looking thing?  Do you know of a link by any chance?

(whoops, nevermind... I found it)

I would still be interested in what people think of it though.  I would think the only way this could be measured would be to run the same water thru two pipes (one w/ and onw w/o magnet) for some time and then cut them open to see if there is any difference.  Anyone know of such an experiment?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2005, 11:16:05 pm by steve771 »


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2005, 07:50:39 am »
Magnets tend not to do anything to the environment unless their powerful enough. Yes they can move a stationary metal (certain metal) object but try it with a moving object - most magnets can't stop them.

But if a magnet gets big enough - it can do a lot. I repair medical equipment and a MRI is a BIG and POWERFUL magnet, we have one that's about 10x the earth's magnet field and their getting more powerful.  I have seen what happens to a metal IV pole when it gets into the MRI room - 2 people couldn't budge it and unfortunately some child died at some hospital - THANKFULLY NOT MINE! when someone brought in a metal  Oxygen canister into the room and it acted as a torpedo, bounced around the opening looking for the magnetic center and the child was in it's way!

I personally think that it's placebo type sales - can't be proved or disproved and people will swear it's doing something.


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2005, 10:27:03 pm »
Yeah, I tend to agree with what Vinnie said after doing some internet searches (wonderful thing, that internet...).  Seems a mixed bag and the positives might very well be attributed to the placebo effect.  If it were effective, you would think someone would publish a definitive study.   Ah well, it was a nice thought...


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2005, 03:24:07 pm »
To my limited knowledge, there hasn't been much, if anything, to indicate these type of water treatments work as claimed.  They make similar for treating whole house water supplies, to eliminate mechanical water softeners, but those things get soundly trounced by consumer reports type of organizations.  
I even remember some magnetic gadget that was supposed to increase fuel economy in cars by having some sort of magnetic field line up the atoms in the gasoline, or something along those lines.


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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2005, 03:42:42 pm »
Yeah Brewman, it was some sort of magnet that attached to the fuel line and was supposed to help with fuel economy & polution.  One site stated that Haliburton was selling such technology with regards to oil pipelines.  And of course, we all know how reputible Haliburton is, right?  ;) ;D

Man, how come all the "good" ideas are a bunch of hooey?  ???

I guess the old saw about "if something sounds too good to be true" is correct.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2005, 03:43:54 pm by steve771 »

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Re: Slightly OT -  Scaleblaster?
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2005, 03:42:42 pm »


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