Well, I can't believe this happened to me....okay....with the way my luck has been running lately, it shouldn't have surprised me... :-( Had a lightening strike on my house on Tuesday....scared the living you know what outta me. My siren on my alarm system went off and I could not shut it off for anything. I was totally losing it! My neighbor came over and tried to shut it off; no luck...finally he just cut the damn wire...LOL. Anyway, started looking around for damage and of course the first place I checked was the hot tub....no power! I'm like OMG! Checked the breaker box....both had tripped....tried to re-set....power came back on but the heater won't.... :-( How bad is this? I have no idea....dealer will be out in a couple of hours. Is this covered under warranty? I was scared to ask, so I didn't. Figured I'd find out when they got to the house. Along with the hot tub, I lost 2 ceiling fans in the Sun room, my router and modem for the computer, my garage door opener, and my alarm system (which the folks came out yesterday and fixed). And to top it all off, since the husband is gone, I'm having to deal with this all by myself.... :-( Yea, I'm whinning a little bit. Thank god I have wonderful neighbors/friends that have been there for me. I know it could have been much worse, i.e., lost the whole house, so I'm very thankful it wasn't much worse!