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Sundance is running a promotion and offering a  free steroe with ALL series 800 spas (Optima included).So,  discount the cost of the stereo from that price...http://sundancespas.com/
I would suggest first determining what the price of the spa was a month ago with and without the stereo. Not everything in this life is free, especially if you are the dealer who DOES HAVE to pay for the stereo. However, I would certainly expect the price to be better than a similar purchase from a month ago.
I agree to check out prices without the stereo first.However, if the Manufacturer is promoting a FREE STEREO, why yes I expect a FREE stereo. not just some numbers game. Â Â Um. where's the topic for "Dirty dealer tricks" again?
And a FREE stereo you will get. I along with you would like to think the manufacturer would bite the bullet for this one and provide a FREE stereo, but it is a dealer supported promotion that not all dealers necessarily participate in and he "pays" the cost of the stereo that he does provide "free". It is then typical for the consumer to expect everything else he want's to be included free as well.Everybody want's a deal or a cheaper price, and on top of that they want it all, this is a legitimate offer at dealer expense. It is "not just some numbers game" as you may infer. I find your reference to a previous thread to be offensive and to imply something that you have no true knowledge or understanding of. I can appreciate your attempt at contributing to the consumers question, but your implications are off base.
I find your statement of "no true knoweldge of" to be demeaning to me as a an adult and a consumer. Who the hell do you think your dealing with? Some 17 year old gum snapper buying a used car? What's this "Oh, retail sales are much too complicated for you to understand" attitude? Give me a break. You're selling a product. I understand margins, incentives and promotions and costs. Retail is not rocket science. Maybe it was difficult for you to understand, so you expect others to have a similliar diffculting understanding it?
i'm sure J_McD will clear it all up.