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Author Topic: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL  (Read 15465 times)


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2005, 09:28:43 am »
At our first house I put in an above ground pool.  It was great but here in NJ we really only get 3 months use out of a pool and the rest of the ryear it sits with a cover taking up your yard.  When we moved I started looking a hot tubs.  My wife is a 'pool person' and it took me a few months to actually convince her to try the hot tub.  We couldnt be happier.  Our kids love it and we spend so many great nights together.

It is so awesome to be outside with snow all around and the steam rising from the water.  I also installed a retractable awning over it so in the summer months I just turn the heat down and roll out the awning, The awning keeps the hot sun off of us and it is very refreshing(again the kids love it!!).  

We have also made very good friends with the two families on our street who have in ground pools.  We make sure they are invited to every hot tub party...LOL...SO I would say I bought it for the fact that it can be used year round and it is a great place to spend time with the family.  

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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2005, 09:28:43 am »


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2005, 09:40:20 am »
The CIC (chick in charge) told me we were buying a tub.


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2005, 01:06:42 pm »
Because chicks dig it.

Cue cheesey 1970's porn music.   ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2005, 01:46:50 pm »
Its funny you bring up the 70s music.  I was just talking to someone about my tub yesterday and he said that hottubs are the first step to being a swinger, followed by red shag red carpet, and polyester pleated pants with elastic waste and cheesy moustache and white socks.

Seriously though, I have always wanted a pool of some sorts, but being in my line of work, I have seen the down side of children and pools.  So now that I have my baby I refuse to put one in the back, plus it would take up to much room.

I wanted something all year round and being in Canada obviously you are aware that is cold more than it is hot.  Well we landscaped and order a concrete patio and I spent about 1 1/2 years trying to convince the wife.

I cant wait to spend the nights with my wife outside, and the fun my baby will have.  Piece of mind having the top lock up is nice as well.

My neighbour just put in a beautiful swimming pool and we have worked out a nice deal, so I have the best of all worlds.


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2005, 01:51:09 pm »
.... hottubs are the first step to being a swinger, followed by red shag red carpet, and polyester pleated pants with elastic waste and cheesy moustache and white socks.

Hey! My wife says I look good in polyester pleated pants and the red shag cartpet was already in the house when we bought it. Honest!

Honey? Have you seen my moustache clippers and white socks?
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2005, 01:52:22 pm »


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2005, 04:12:09 pm »
Echoing a lot of others, a mix of 'relaxing' and 'helping various neck and back problems'.

And it's a lot cheaper than watching the shower water run down the drain...  ;D

(Now if I could *just* get someone to sell me the one I want....  :'(  )


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2005, 12:39:48 am »
The Mrs. convinced me we needed a hot tub. She broke her foot a few years ago and developed knee problems due to the cast she had to wear. The knee problems haven't gone away even with physical therapy.

It didn't take much to convince me though. I'm in my early 50s and, for some reason which I can now no longer remember, I decided to take up karate a couple of years ago. All that training takes its toll. Sometimes, after class, I'll borrow my neighbor's hot tub and it helps minimize the soreness and other aches and pains. It seems to melt it away.

So we're building a screened-in porch to house a Marquis Reward we are purchasing. It will keep the snow off in the winter and bugs out during the spring & summer.

Plus, from what I've read while lurking on this site, I'm hoping it will give us more "family time" now and in the future.  

Did I mention my obnoxious neighbors who don't offer us the use of their pool? There will be a solid wall on that side of the porch!

My contractor tells me we should be able to have the spa delivered in the next week or two. I'm creating a web photoblog of the construction from beginning to end of the screened-in porch and spa installation. Once I get the bugs worked out, I'll post the link.

Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2005, 03:06:10 pm »
Well we have always wanted one. My in laws had one on the Cape back in Massachusetts where we used to live so we loved using theirs when we would hang out there.  My husband's job is very stressful and since he's always wanted one he decided to treat us to one.  Unfortunately we couldn't afford the best of the best but I will let you all know how we enjoy ours.  The platform has been built but now we are waiting to get the tub delivered so that the rest of the deck can be built around it.  We are going on vacation (back to Mass) for a couple of weeks so we won't get to enjoy it until mid July sometime....  Our children are pretty excited about it as well.  Til then....will write a review.



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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2005, 06:02:40 pm »

I am not sure what spa you bought.....but I am sure you will enjoy it none the less .....I know for us our customers who purchase smaller spas ...less jets than our larger say 40 plus jets spas, Seem to be just as happy .....I think the Hot water and jets in most any spa will simply make you feel better ....What people consider to be the better spas...Are really such because of the long term commitment of the the manufacture and dealer to standing behind their products for years after the sale ...As well as energy efficiency ......build quality ....etc......but what ever you bought will make you feel better ......


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2005, 02:20:54 am »
I have longed for a hot tub for many years now, but with getting our careers on track, kids, new home, etc., it just kept getting pushed to the back burner, so to speak. Finally, after remodeling almost the entire interior of the house, I stood my ground and said, "next is the back yard, and it is mine, I'm getting a spa, and you (the lovely wife), can decorate as you see fit, but I WILL have my Hot tub! So I took out a modest improvement loan, got an awesome new grill, a deck which I  built, new patio furniture, and of course, the spa. It is a Sundance Bahia, with stereo, and I LOVE it! (except for the filter socks, which are a MAJOR pain in the a$$). Next I have to build a pergola and about 600 square feet of stone patio to complete my project, and I'm sure the spa will make the evenings after working much easier ;D
I've always wanted a hot tub, and I guess the socialization we had while spending so much time in one during our last trip to Jamaica really put the bug in me. I decided I wanted to make my own personal paradise in my back yard, so we could enjoy it year 'round. Here's to Jimmy Buffet tunes, a cold refreshing beverage, a lovely woman at my side, and of course, hot bubbly water! ;D ;D ;D


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2005, 04:44:34 pm »
And your wife serving the drinks to you and the lovely women


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2005, 11:29:36 pm »
wow ! Lots of thought about digging in the pocketbook!
I bought my spa because:
I had done the research and feel I made a good purchase
I deserved something I always wanted
It was my hard earned money I spent and there is no one I had to justify the purchase with
It makes me feel better all over
It is a good excuse to go outside at night and look at the stars and the moon which I truly love
I sleep really well after getting out of the spa(now I need a new mattress  LOL)

the added benifits I have found are:
I actually talk to my children when we are in it(I know what goes on in their lives now  wow)
I am getting to know who my childrens friends are now.. they are 18+ you see
It is a good excuse to get friends to come over  and I dont HAVE to cook...


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2005, 11:32:49 pm »
wow ! Lots of thought about digging in the pocketbook!
I bought my spa because:
I had done the research and feel I made a good purchase
I deserved something I always wanted
It was my hard earned money I spent and there is no one I had to justify the purchase with
It makes me feel better all over
It is a good excuse to go outside at night and look at the stars and the moon which I truly love
I sleep really well after getting out of the spa(now I need a new mattress  LOL)

the added benifits I have found are:
I actually talk to my children when we are in it(I know what goes on in their lives now  wow)
I am getting to know who my childrens friends are now.. they are 18+ you see
It is a good excuse to get friends to come over  and I dont HAVE to cook...


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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2005, 09:47:17 am »
wow ! Lots of thought about digging in the pocketbook!
I bought my spa because:
I had done the research and feel I made a good purchase
I deserved something I always wanted
It was my hard earned money I spent and there is no one I had to justify the purchase with
It makes me feel better all over
It is a good excuse to go outside at night and look at the stars and the moon which I truly love
I sleep really well after getting out of the spa(now I need a new mattress  LOL)

the added benifits I have found are:
I actually talk to my children when we are in it(I know what goes on in their lives now  wow)
I am getting to know who my childrens friends are now.. they are 18+ you see
It is a good excuse to get friends to come over  and I dont HAVE to cook...

I see your copy and paste works fine

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!

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Re: what made you buy your hot tub....POLL
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2005, 09:47:17 am »


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