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Author Topic: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??  (Read 3560 times)


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Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« on: June 21, 2005, 07:16:18 am »
I was reading Vinnys post and he mentioned this What?????!!!! I have to wait another day  ;) after I get it? Do they really keep using the same water over and over without sanitizing it? :-/  ick!!!


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Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« on: June 21, 2005, 07:16:18 am »


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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 07:38:29 am »
I was wondering the same thing. I did not fill and drain the tub.

I wiped it down then filled and then started to balance the water.


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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2005, 07:46:04 am »
I filled mine in and jumped right in when it came up to temp.  Some people have talked about using Swirl away on new tubs and finding it removing a bunch of junk,  but even after a year that wasn't the case.

With Chas' law that you will probably want to change water after the first month's usage because of the extra amount of chemicals that newbies seem to use, I would skip the initial flush, at least of a new tub.
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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2005, 09:38:38 am »
I filled mine in and jumped right in when it came up to temp.  Some people have talked about using Swirl away on new tubs and finding it removing a bunch of junk,  but even after a year that wasn't the case.

With Chas' law that you will probably want to change water after the first month's usage because of the extra amount of chemicals that newbies seem to use, I would skip the initial flush, at least of a new tub.

I can understand that cause I'm sure I'll screw it up at first ;D


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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
I filled mine in and jumped right in when it came up to temp.  Some people have talked about using Swirl away on new tubs and finding it removing a bunch of junk,  but even after a year that wasn't the case.

With Chas' law that you will probably want to change water after the first month's usage because of the extra amount of chemicals that newbies seem to use, I would skip the initial flush, at least of a new tub.

That is the truth! I have been on a learning curve and I will change my water within the first month.


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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2005, 03:47:59 pm »
I did it purposely to kill any and all bacteria that might have been growing in the pipes. I don't know how long a tub "hangs around" once it's ordered, tested, transported and delivered - days, weeks or months but mine may have been hanging out for about a month - no sanitizer, no flow and water in the pipes!

Did I have to do it - NO! I wanted to do it. After being on Doc's board a longer time than here and reading about Hot tub Folicuiits (sp?) and newbies getting it from their NEW tub and not being able to use their tub for weeks - I decieded it was right for ME. I waited for a long time to get a tub and I figured what's one more day.


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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2005, 04:16:59 pm »

That is the truth! I have been on a learning curve and I will change my water within the first month.

I still say you should be PREPARED to change the water in the first month but if you are having no issues why not continue with it and drain about every four months. I think you need to be open to a water changeout at that time and not simply change it blindly.
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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2005, 04:39:57 pm »
When my LSX was delivered, it was in the factory shipped packaging....I'd be surprised if yours isn't delivered the same.  I filled mine, dropped in some dichor and in a couple of hours, I was in it enjoying my first soak (it heated up quickly in the full sun in the middle of July).  Not one follicle suffered any "itis".  I did add Swirl Away at the first water change but found no evidence of "yucky pipe stuff".  I suggest you do the same including, as others suggested, changing the water after the first month and adding Swirl Away at that time.  Good luck and don't go crazy waiting!  Heck, come on down to sunny Florida and we can soak and drink martinis in mine! 8)
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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2005, 10:07:29 pm »
When my LSX was delivered, it was in the factory shipped packaging....I'd be surprised if yours isn't delivered the same.  I filled mine, dropped in some dichor and in a couple of hours, I was in it enjoying my first soak (it heated up quickly in the full sun in the middle of July).  Not one follicle suffered any "itis".  I did add Swirl Away at the first water change but found no evidence of "yucky pipe stuff".  I suggest you do the same including, as others suggested, changing the water after the first month and adding Swirl Away at that time.  Good luck and don't go crazy waiting!  Heck, come on down to sunny Florida and we can soak and drink martinis in mine! 8)

I'm on my way ...................... I'll try and be patient ...............Gary ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Fill, Drain, Refill, a new spa??
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2005, 10:07:29 pm »


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