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Author Topic: Tri X Filter cleaning question  (Read 7262 times)


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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2005, 08:23:50 pm »
I spent some time this week taking a very hard look at these and other types of filters.

I'm wondering, with the vortex shape of these filters is it difficult to get everything out of the bottom of the pleat area?

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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2005, 08:23:50 pm »


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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2005, 09:37:01 am »
Drew, the first guy lied to you, well maybe he thought he was telling the truth.  The band is applied in the manufacturing process to keep the pleats uniformly in place.  You will notice after a while, some pleats will be wider apart than others.  This will not diminish the filtering capacity of the filter, but water will take the path of least resistance and "load up" faster in those wider areas.  Simply, rotate the filter 45° allowing primary suction to enter the filter from a different position.

The second guy, you see, told the truth as he knew it to be and I agree. :)

Thanks J-McD. I didn't think anyone was "lying" to me. (hopefully you and I can get away from these words)  It just was conflicting information. Someone didn't know what they were talking about.   ;)
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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2005, 11:53:53 am »
Someone didn't know what they were talking about.   ;)

Good point. I have had two spas now with the Tri-X filters, and we have run them through the dishwasher with good results.

The one thing I found was that the one filter from the circ pump didn't come out white. I ended up having to soak that one and then run it again.

It's fine now, but I mention it because you may still have to soak and/or use some sort of filter cleaner if the filters get coated in oil. Once that was removed, the fitler came clean in the dishwasher and works fine. The dishwasher is the way to go with these filters because it gets back into the pleats in a way which would take a bit of time if done by hand.
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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2005, 04:25:30 pm »

>The one thing I found was that the one filter from the circ pump didn't come out white. I ended up having to soak that one and then run it again. <

One way to minimize the potential for this problem is to remove and rinse the filters once a week and then rotate them so that the recirc filter is not the same one for perhaps a month.  This may seem like a lot of effort, but it really only takes about 5 minutes and it done on the weekend when I wash the exterior and shock and all that other stuff.  My time investment in maintenance is probably 20 minutes total, once a week for everything.  




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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2005, 05:05:13 pm »

Just to add to these points of wisdom. I got a call last year from a guy who had been removing his filter for cleaning. When he removed somehow his glass eye was displaced and fell into the filter compartment and went down the hole and into the plumbing. He needed someone to take it apart to get it as he said it was a $1500 eye. I hesitated waiting for the person on the other end of the phone line to start laughing and tell me it was a joke but apparently it wasn't so I referred him to a tech in his area.

SOOOO, when removing your filter, please remove your glass eye first and set it safely aside.


Just shared it with my coworker and she's ROTFL

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Re: Tri X Filter cleaning question
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2005, 05:05:13 pm »


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