Since you started the thread....I have to ask why? You know in your heart it was a jab against Cal Spas! Is this a public message board or are you financed by someone else? I'm sure you loved the hits....I know I had fun, it kind of reminded me of the old bravenet days....except for this time I was the villain!
I've asked many times please show one valid CS complaint....surely someone can dig one up! It hasn't happened! So don't you agree the post should go away?
Please do yourself a favor...go back to Bills original post on this thread and read it again.
Bill is the most neutral, most suppotive, and most open minded long term poster on this board. He has always been there to lend support and positive words towards new and old posters, and has never had an agenda besides helping the rest of us get along.
He's helped those of us that are computer challanged post pictures, and has posted pictures of the spas we're talking about, looking at buying, bought. or trying to pitch.
He has helped weed out posters like Mr Happy who we assumed was really JA.
He's like our Dad ( sorry Bill that wasn't meant to make you feel old)
Bill started with a very general question. He even went as far as to let us know his local Cal Spa dealer was very respected and has been around awhile. FYI this is not the first time he's made positive statements regarding Cal Spas.
You now seem to have bit the hand that fed you Ian.
You had a golden opportunity to let all of us, and countless guests who cruise this site everyday, know just how and why Cal Spas have changed, and become the "well oiled machine" you say they have.
Anyone who's been around toddlers understands the saying...negative attention is after all....attention.
Cal Spas of Denver has gotten some attention on this board the last few days thats for sure...But is it really the kind of attention you want to put out there for the consumer to see?
You are the Cal Spa spokesman on this board right now......
Do you get paid from Calspas Ian?