You are 100% correct. The deck we are having built is 24x16. We have an existing deck that is the same size. The new deck sits about 30 inches below the existing deck and about 32 inches off the gound. I am so glad we decided to put the spa outside and not inside as originally planned (The previous owners of our home had a spa built in to the sun room). Our second tier deck is also for relaxation. It will have the spa of course, 2 chaise lounge chairs and a mosaic bistro table with two chairs

. Oh, and I am taking plenty of photos of the whole project. I started out taking pictures of the guys delivering the spa and photographing all the wood needed to build the deck

. Each day as progress is made on the deck, I am taking pictures to capture it all. I can't wait till it is complete and watch it as a slide show. Good luck on your deck as well!!!