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Author Topic: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???  (Read 11753 times)


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2005, 01:32:45 pm »
If a spa did not need to be SOLD, then they would all be bought in a waiting line at the cash register, (picture that in your mind), and the industry numbers would be phenominal.

Because they DO have to be SOLD, it is about WHAT and HOW anything is said to sell that one particular product.  Some companies just seem to think it is OK to cross the yellow line and use questionable practices to accomplish their objectives, just to SELL A UNIT regardless to capture marketshare.   >:(

It is the objectionable practices that seem to irritate and outrage the dealer, seller side of this discussion and from the consumer side "I bought into those practices", or I bought what I thought.......", they did not buy because they researched all manufacturers and bought from the "worlds largest or best or whatever" they were SOLD what they bought and that is the job of the selling process.

We can not expect a person who bought the Brooklyn Bridge to come here and tell us about his experience and how smart and schrewd he was to get it at half price.  Nor can we expect consumers to say something about what he bought when "WE" don't respect, the lack of ethics, the mis-truths or the scams that "WE" know about,

BUT what about the product and the performance of that product.  Let it stand on it's own and that is the bottom line.

If you own something that you have had good experience with, let us know.  Some people have bought the best and still had problems. :-/  Even Rolls Royce has a Service Department. ::)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 01:36:07 pm by J._McD »

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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2005, 01:32:45 pm »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2005, 01:37:25 pm »
If you don't want the master bashers to come out don't post statements like " master makes a superior product to Marquis", especially when all you have to back it up is your opinion.


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2005, 01:47:41 pm »
If you don't want the master bashers to come out don't post statements like " master makes a superior product to Marquis", especially when all you have to back it up is your opinion.

So said by someone who bought a Master Spa because he thought it was good, and it may well be, but it was the other side of the coin he didn't like.  It's all about shopping around and getting educated, right Mowgli? ;)


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2005, 01:54:38 pm »
So said by someone who bought a Master Spa because he thought it was good, and it may well be, but it was the other side of the coin he didn't like.  It's all about shopping around and getting educated, right Mowgli? ;)

No greater truth was ever written :-/
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 02:00:06 pm by mowgli1 »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2005, 02:06:56 pm »
Hey Mendo I did not say where  the bashing was coming from..............I just said it was BS I am NOT picking on you I have been through a couple of sights and the one thing that stands out if you do a search on Master is the BASHING that comes from this board it is constant and NEVER ends.

Ya know you take Drifters post and start picking it apart from the FF TP, to he never tested that model cause its a year old .....He never said he did test that model he said Marquis.............
Read your post to Drifter and tell me what it means [I have both eyes wide open and its starin me in the face......]

Mendo ya got it BAD for Master and their techniques in marketing and sales approach no flame Bro but you do.

I don't think there is a post with Master in the title that you don't chime in negative way about something they have or have not done.......

You were on the attack in your last post towards Drifter or it sure seems that way, maybe I am wrong and maybe both eyes are closed ;) and it's just me        .............

Gary ,
my attack as you call it only was in response to the Superior comment .... As for me having it bad for Master that is simply a very true statement....I do have absolutely no respect for them as a company none ....Now let share why. before I became a dealer I was a shopper looking for a spa ...I saw Master at 5 different places one was a home show a real home show with counter tops ...knives.....windows you know what I mean .....the other was a fair and the other 3 were the so called spa super shows...At those 5 places not one time could anyone show me a warranty...now that was a red flag for me.....my total disdain for them comes from their road teams...from someone when asked about the warranty and not having a copy of it ..but being assured that what they are telling I can count on it being because they work in the customer service department during the week.....maybe that would have been ok ,if they had not told me they lived in Detroit, MI when we met and that the customer service dept is in Indiana ...unles Master pays really really well...that is a long compute even if you have your plane to do it in daily.. so my disrespect is really about their road shows and the sales people on them ...but I doubt you will ever read where I bash the spas .....also let me say this....I think if you buy from your local dealer ....weather it is Master or any other you in long run will be better off....anyway in my shopping they had some things I liked and some I did not ..but that is really no better or no worse than most any other Brand of most any type of product ....my point being that it has never been about the spas but their marketing .....I simply do not have ability to tolerate those who are less than truthful in purist of making a deal of any kind...I guess from being in sales my whole life that I do take personally maybe a fault of mine own but I never had to lie to anyone about anything I have represented....If I have chimed in a negative way about in any other threads ....I think if you read the thread in total and the topic was stayed about spas and spas alone I will stay away ....again I point out that I never said one bad word about Master here in my original post as I was completely upfront I said I had no experience with them and than shared what I knew about the Marquis ... I think if a Master spa is the best spa for you than great stick with them and find one that fits you best......I would strongly recommend that you buy it from your local Master dealer ....but thats is just my opinion is all ....From someone who can sell at shows and knowing the cost involved I am not so sure that it is a place to see any real savings but again thats just my thoughts about it ....
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 02:14:44 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2005, 03:29:33 pm »
They couldn't show you a warranty?!  I found Master's online in about 30 seconds; why wouldn't they want to show you this, or am I confused somehow?  (Not the first time...)


Sounds like a pretty good warranty, from what I see at first glance.

(I know nothing about Master except what I've read here, but I've started to research other brands (than SD) in the possibility that we can't get an SD Max with our local SD dealer mix up in Northern VA... :) )


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2005, 03:39:19 pm »
no they could not show a warranty ....and I did not have the ability to go on line at the shows or fair ....but why would someone have to ...it should have been available ...this was 5 different times....but in the end who cares if you like Master than go for it.....I think for the most part most everyone feels happy about the spa they choose ....Hot water and jets make a person feel better .....


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2005, 04:29:53 pm »
No reason *you* should have to go online at a show, of course, but my question is why were they reluctant to have the warranty to show people?   Makes one suspicious, a bit... :)


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2005, 04:40:01 pm »
They couldn't show you a warranty?!  I found Master's online in about 30 seconds; why wouldn't they want to show you this, or am I confused somehow?  (Not the first time...)


Sounds like a pretty good warranty, from what I see at first glance.

(I know nothing about Master except what I've read here, but I've started to research other brands (than SD) in the possibility that we can't get an SD Max with our local SD dealer mix up in Northern VA... :) )

Leesweet, thank you for the key, but this is not the warranty that I have seen before.  I note that it is the “platinum” warranty, are there other warranties other than the Platinum?  Please let me know, I am prevented, or “unauthorized” to view other pages.  

I see that they warranty their ozonator transformer for 5 years which is probably never going to fail but only 2 years for the "original" chip, but if it fails your done.  At first glance, I thought it was 5 years, but it is not. :-/

I see they do not cover any “freeze damage” in the event a warranty problem trips power to the spa in the winter.   :-/

Damage due to a dirty filter is not covered, I find that very unusual. :-/


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2005, 04:41:21 pm »
If you don't want the master bashers to come out don't post statements like " master makes a superior product to Marquis", especially when all you have to back it up is your opinion.


Drifter also justified it by saying it was his opinion and he bought one, I think that would be fair huh.....

I didnt say that. I said they were best for ME

I also would not spend that kind of money on a whim either!

Some people have to be sold, others do not.

Carry on............ ::) ::)

Done with this so as not to continue the hijack of a fair question


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2005, 04:49:45 pm »
They couldn't show you a warranty?!  I found Master's online in about 30 seconds; why wouldn't they want to show you this, or am I confused somehow?  (Not the first time...)


Sounds like a pretty good warranty, from what I see at first glance.

(I know nothing about Master except what I've read here, but I've started to research other brands (than SD) in the possibility that we can't get an SD Max with our local SD dealer mix up in Northern VA... :) )

I'm encountering the same problem in Tucson Az. I was set to buy a Maxxus from  Tucson pool and spa, the local SD dealer. They were carrying SD and HS. I don't need delivery until fall at the earliest, waiting for new home completion. We live in Michigan now. I was in Tucson two weeks ago and the dealer informed me they are dropping SD. I emailed SD and was told that Tucson pool was still the local dealer. So now I'm waiting to see if the Tucson region is assigned to another dealer or if I'll have to go to Phoenix to buy. Hard to believe a city the size of Tucson won't have a SD dealer. Hey J.McD, ever thought about opening a store in Tucson? ;D
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 04:59:00 pm by mowgli1 »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2005, 04:54:38 pm »


Drifter also justified it by saying it was his opinion and he bought one, I think that would be fair huh.....

I didnt say that. I said they were best for ME

I also would not spend that kind of money on a whim either!

 Some people have to be sold, others do not.

Carry on............ ::) ::)

Done with this so as not to continue the hijack of a fair question

Great, go stand by the window and watch for your spa.


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2005, 06:16:03 pm »
There are two trains of thought here regarding “Master Blasting”.  

We all know we are not talking about the product specifically, but there certainly seems to be a great animosity shared by those in the industry, who are either jealous, or complaining, while consumers for the most part seem to be complacent and satisfied with their product choice and performance.  And, for the most part, I can understand their frustration with this “bashing” concept.

Well, In my case, I will tell the truth, I am jealous.  I am jealous of the amounts of money they are able to spend to “lure” people in to their selling machine.  I am jealous of the amount of money they spend in advertising on radio, TV, in print media, roadside signs and road shows.  I am jealous of their cunning ability to sell and close so many people on such a small and relatively obscure little company that is only 9 years old and has grown to be recognized by all of us here.  I am jealous of the sales ability of the salespeople who are so able to “convince” people to buy.  These people are “sold”.  But, what is it that makes them buy, is it the “superiority” or is it their “merits” of their long list of patents?

I am jealous not only of the money they have to spend on expenses listed above, I am also jealous of the amounts of money they put in their pockets, because of the size and scope of their marketing efforts of only a few people we all know.  It reaches into numbers with six 0’s, that is in the millions.  Where do you think that money comes from, sales to consumers.   Are they being overcharged, or given the promise of rebates, or is the cost of manufacturing that inexpensive or overly efficient?  :-/

That is why I am jealous, all of the others are just complaining. ;D

It will be interesting to look back on these pages, when “the rest of the story is told”.  Shall we bookmark page 306?


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2005, 07:15:29 pm »
There are two trains of thought here regarding “Master Blasting”.  

We all know we are not talking about the product specifically, but there certainly seems to be a great animosity shared by those in the industry, who are either jealous, or complaining, while consumers for the most part seem to be complacent and satisfied with their product choice and performance.  And, for the most part, I can understand their frustration with this “bashing” concept.

Well, In my case, I will tell the truth, I am jealous.  I am jealous of the amounts of money they are able to spend to “lure” people in to their selling machine.  I am jealous of the amount of money they spend in advertising on radio, TV, in print media, roadside signs and road shows.  I am jealous of their cunning ability to sell and close so many people on such a small and relatively obscure little company that is only 9 years old and has grown to be recognized by all of us here.  I am jealous of the sales ability of the salespeople who are so able to “convince” people to buy.  These people are “sold”.  But, what is it that makes them buy, is it the “superiority” or is it their “merits” of their long list of patents?

I am jealous not only of the money they have to spend on expenses listed above, I am also jealous of the amounts of money they put in their pockets, because of the size and scope of their marketing efforts of only a few people we all know.  It reaches into numbers with six 0’s, that is in the millions.  Where do you think that money comes from, sales to consumers.   Are they being overcharged, or given the promise of rebates, or is the cost of manufacturing that inexpensive or overly efficient?  :-/

That is why I am jealous, all of the others are just complaining. ;D

It will be interesting to look back on these pages, when “the rest of the story is told”.  Shall we bookmark page 306?

[Gary1911 walks away from computer to check his eyes]

:o :o :o :o :o
I am at a loss for typing skills............ I beleive,,,,,,,, I beleive................ preach it brother........ preach it!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;) ;) ;)

Joking of course.................  Gary

Bookmarked ;)


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2005, 11:01:16 am »
1st off I posted a response clearly saying my choice was based solely on my opinion since it appeared that is what the poster was looking for. I had read the other posts and most seemed to be from Marquis owners and I wanted to give the poster an oppertunity to hear from an owner of a Master spa. Also as far as the TP and FF goes I don't see how you construe that as a negative. the manufacturer is offering you a choice. What could be better than that? I actually called them before I decided and spoke to one of thier engineers. He candidly admitted to me that there wasn't a huge difference in FF or TP. (Strange I could have sworn I read that on this board many times. ) Since the engineer Knew I was purchasing a Master spa and since there was no increased price for either I figured he had no real axe to grind recomending either one. (I choose tp BTW) He gave me a few minor benifits of each and said that really it was up to me. Therefore how you can trash Master for trying to offer it's consumers more is beyone me. It's not a case of trying to be everything to everone it's about offering a choice. Like going to a car dealer and seeing convertables and hardtops. Now as far as my subjective opinion that the Master spa looks better than the Marquis or that it felt better you aren't going to have much luck in convincing me otherwise.
     I bought my Master from a dealer that carried HS as well. They treated me with respect and offered me great service. No pressure or high pitched sales tactics. I'm sorry this was your experience with them. If you want to bash Master for this that's fine but they make a fine product and every dealer is going to be slightly different.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 11:03:26 am by Drifter »

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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2005, 11:01:16 am »


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