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Author Topic: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Review  (Read 23159 times)


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2005, 09:45:04 pm »
Overzealous marketing? Maybe.  The way I see it is that Arctic hot tubs are truly built for harsh Canadian winters and everybody knows that Canada has much worse winters than the U.S.  I can see why Arctic gets a bad name on this forum. It looks bad in everyones eyes when you have a smart alec Arctic rep posting from time to time when it is convenient to do so. No argument there. But I still maintain that Arctic builds a very solid product.  As far as the cover goes, is there anyone on this forum who wouldn't want a cover that doesn't get waterlogged, retains heat and is stronger than it needs to be?  In other words, if your cover didn't wear out, would you complain about it? I think not.

I can name 25 spas that are built for Canadian winters. Again...M A R K E T I N G!! Does a spa have to built in Canada to meet the needs? If you think so, you'd be wrong.

I agree...Arctic builds a decent product. That has never been questioned by me, but I could show you many covers that are overbuilt and will withstand any winter I've been through here.

I will question the ability of this cover to never absorb water but I'll wait to get clarification from Stabby before I address that. ;)


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2005, 09:45:04 pm »


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2005, 10:13:22 pm »
Nice information here but what happened to O-Ren_Ishi_I?  He made it exciting here for a couple of days...............
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 10:14:08 pm by Gomboman »
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2005, 11:45:45 pm »
I think he got smoked out. ;D


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #63 on: June 14, 2005, 12:00:49 am »
 1) I do not work for Arctic.   I am a family owned pool construction and plumbing company. We have 2 retail stores where we sell Arctic.  We sold Jacuzzi for 15 years, and have been selling Arctic 5 years this August.  We love the tubs, and the company.  We service all brands, which gives us a good perspective on other brands of tubs.  (Good and Bad)
2)  I never said, the covers will never get water logged.  Steve you love to try to twist everything by wording to make your points, which probly makes you a good salesman, but very frustrating to debate with.  
 The covers are molded not cut like all other covers that I am aware of. This does PROLONG the life of the cover, and if you haven't seen alot of standard covers that hold water in the center because they are saging, then you need to get out of the showroom, and see some for yourself.   Again, why do you call 5/4 inches of insulation over kill for a cover,  yet it is not enough insulation to retain heat around the rest of the perimeter of a tub?  ( I don't mean you only  Steve, but others on this forum in general.  

3)  As for me coming on here when it is convenient, it is the busy season, not all of us are in a showroom all day.  I don't have alot time or computer access building swimming pools.  And until I find a way for this to pay the bill I will have to check in when it is "convient" for me to do so!!!!  

4)  Steve, I enjoy reading your post and respect alot of what you say. Yet I think because you are in such close competition with Arctic that you are very biased and quick to be negative about Arctic.  As well as most others on here that, ban-wagon the popular opinion on this forum, without really having the hands on experience with the products they are talking about, to have an honest opinion about them.


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #64 on: June 14, 2005, 12:20:46 am »
 I never said, the covers will never get water logged.  Steve you love to try to twist everything by wording to make your points, which probly makes you a good salesman, but very frustrating to debate with.  
  The covers are molded not cut like all other covers that I am aware of. This does PROLONG the life of the cover,

I appreciate you taking the time Stabone to debate me even though I'm a bit of an a$$! ;D

You're making this real easy for me though...

Here's 2 quotes of yours...
"Steve, the cover is designed to be a better insulator, not get water logged, (because it is molded not cut) and also be able to handle heavy snow falls."

I don't believe you said anything about the cover having a "prolonged life" but instead NOT GET WATER LOGGED!

"As far as the cover goes, is there anyone on this forum who wouldn't want a cover that doesn't get waterlogged, retains heat and is stronger than it needs to be?"

Again, I didn't see the word PROLONGED but rather the words, DOESN'T GET WATER LOGGED.

This has nothing to do with my perception of the quality of Arctic or anything you're describing. It has everything to do with you contradicting yourself completely in the last 2 posts. ???

You see that I have "twisted" nothing but I am using your exact words. Please don't blame me for your lack of clarity in these posts. Does the cover not get water logged or is the life prolonged? These are 2 distinctly different things Stabby!

I do except apologies... ::)



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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #65 on: June 14, 2005, 12:43:21 am »
  Steve, thank you for proving my point, and yes you are an ASS!!!  This is the type of non-sense I am talking about,  it is so stupid to debate like this, I did not say it in that context nor do I sell the cover under the pretext that the cover will never under any circumstance get waterlogged.  You could act like a man, and ask me if that was what I ment by what I said. But you play these school girl games.  What is your point for this, to make Arctic guys look bad,  I think most peole will see what you are trying to do!!  Shame on you.  

 I said they are designed to retain heat and not get waterlogged, and hold heavy snowfall.  Which they are, and unlike your covers that are cut on the edges, ours are molded  so they do not get water logged. ( As easily as other covers)    
 And you twisted it to sound like I made a claim that an Arctic Cover will never get waterlogged,  It is possible at some point in time our covers can get water logged, they are designed not to get water logged as easily as other covers!  
  I will personally warranty them against waterlogging or breaking for 5 years,  would you do the same with yours?? 

 You will get an appoligy from me sometime between now and when hell freezes over.   Yours Truly, Chad  

 I hope the people on this site trying to  research tubs, and really find out what are good products, can sift through the riff-raff on this forum and get answers to their questions,  Stuart maybe you are right, this type of banter is pointless and of no benefit to anyone.    Take this site for what it is,  look for tubs and dealers that  you feel comfortable with, and most opinions on hear are bias to a brand for personal reasons. ( Mine included)  I am sure to the dismay of the millions,,, and millions of my fans out there, this is my last post!!!   GOOD NIGHT NOW
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 01:30:48 am by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #66 on: June 14, 2005, 11:19:39 am »
I did not say it in that context nor do I sell the cover under the pretext that the cover will never under any circumstance get waterlogged.

LOL! Out of context? Out of context? :D I quoted the entire sentence in both instances! Out of context? I wonder who it is playing mind games here?

This is the sort of BS that we should try and eliminate when a salesman comes here and makes false claims with their product. You brought it up...I just questioned it is all... ::)

It was very intersting that you finally added " ( As easily as other covers)" after all of that! I bet your sales tactics work well on the consumers though right?  ;)

« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 11:22:45 am by Steve »

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Re: Arctic Spa, Marq Epic, HS Envoy & SD Maxxus Re
« Reply #66 on: June 14, 2005, 11:19:39 am »


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